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Found 3 results

  1. Would really like some help with this. I Have a HP 8770W Elitebook Workstation. its powered by an Intel Core i7-3630QM, 32GB RAM and an Nvidia Quadro K4000M. the Quadro's stock clock is 600 MHz- Core/ 700 MHz- Memory. its currently overclocked 736 MHz (+135 MHz)- Core/ 1050 MHz (+750 MHz)/ 1100 MHz (+800 MHz)- Memory. The GPU temps stay fairly decent in summer ( between 70-75 Degrees Celsius) while loaded and CPU around 5 degrees higher. In winter the drop to the mid/high 60's so i believe there is still some space there to push it a bit harder. The problem is nor Nvidia Inspector nor MSI Afterburner allow me to overclock the core over 135 MHz, the memory i know is maxed out because anything over just bugs out. Is there anything i can do that would allow me to go over that threshold of 135 MHz.
  2. Well, after my ZBook died because of faulty bios (hardware related) and it had a K4100M (OC) with HP vBios, i wanted it to be on my old 8770w, but it just gave me no screen output (laptop screen) only on VGA (didn't test on DP cuz i got no DP Monitor nor cable) and i liked how the K4100M had better performance than the K4000M (Well the oc made the bandwidth go from the original 102 GB/s, to 200 GB/s [Not stable at all in some games like Rust, or Heavy iray rendering] vs the K4000M 89 GB/s [BTW I couldn't find any SAFE way to oc it] So I decided to make some research and testing,, Long ago before I started searching on how to do this change of gpu i found out that people had 980m in their 8770w and also k5100m without any errors, just by modifying the drivers, i tried so and failed. This is my laptop Specs: HP EliteBook 8770w Quadro K4000M Intel i7 3820mq 2x500GB WD Blue (Only ones i had around empty in my inventory) 20GB of ram (I know its not "correct" but i used 3x4GB and 1x8GB RAM sticks) 1080p Screen Non-Dreamcolor Windows 10 Pro 64 Bits - Creators Update (Btw im in Insider Program) Notes: This laptop has no Optimus support as far as i know, I havent tested on more vbios, only on 1 OC Dell Vbios I didnt test video output on DP, Beacuse i have no DP Monitor nor a cable, and i dont need it, at all. The laptop didnt give any video on integrated screen, only on vga with OC HP vbios and aswell Original (Backed up) vbios, only with the Dell vbios made successful output to laptop screen. There was video going on at VGA without nvidia drivers, if i installed the drivers the screen had artifacts like random colors then the laptop freezes and shutdowns with errors, even with dell vbios. GPU temp was higher than usual, even when it wasn't on high load. I was able to run Besiege at 5 fps without a driver (Only with Microsoft Display adapter). So by some hours of testing this were the results: I replaced the K4000M with the K4100M, I used windows recovery thing at startup (since the nVidia drivers from K4000M bugged the hell out the screen output) then I selected the CMD option, did cd to the folder where i had nvflash, flashed my gpu from there, with a OCed DELL vbios, (link), and then restarted my laptop, I was so excited because i made it make video output through the laptop screen, and then i loaded windows normally and the drivers started to bug the screen and then windows crashed after 4m every time i logged to windows (even without logging in), it said Video tcp failure (or something) and Watchdog_DPC_violation, So i used a fresh windows install (from a HDD i had around), it did give 1080p video output to laptop screen and i didnt test anything at all, so then installed Normal Nvidia drivers (from nvidia not hp neither dell) and then it started to bug again, And well, Then i tried using Ubuntu (17) and the screen give 1080p output without problems, i was going to install nvidia drivers but it was too difficult for the short time i had to test, so i didn't finished up testing with Ubuntu, As some dude told me at other forums that it might be an Optimus driver bug or something, so later on ill try testing with modified drivers. Also the GPU temp was high, i didn't check out the temp, but the laptop was too hot for normal use and used too much battery life (i found out when i was playing around with Ubuntu at my couch). And months before, I found out that in Nvidia page it said that the K4100M worked only on Haswell Generation (4th gen), and not Ivy Bridge, now it says that supports Shark Bay, which is kinda new, since that "option" wasn't there before. This is what ill do next time i make another test: I'll use another vbios a not OC one, just a normal one, Modify nVidia Drivers to try removing optimus (if posible) Finish testing up in Ubuntu Try to use older Drivers to see if anything happens. Post the pics of the Artifacts and a video of besiege running with Default video Driver
  3. As we all know Quadro's are based on GTX with different vbios (or maybe im wrong ?) I was looking around which GTX may be the base for the quadro k4000m , but im not 100% sure which one . Possible candidates : GTX675MX -same bus width(256bit) -same amount of memory (4gb) -same amount of pipe lines (960) -similar memory speed (my k4000m easily achieves that memory speed) but -different code name (N13E-GSR) or GTX770M -similar code name (N14E-GS) -same amount of pipe lines (960) but -diferent amount of memory (3gb) -diferent tpd -diferent Or maybe k4000m is same as k5000m but castraded by Vbios (hopefully) which would mean that k4000m=k5000m=gtx680m/gtx775m ? Why i want to know ? I'm thinking about making gtx of my quadro (mainly im playing games , some times autocad) And maybe trying to unlock it by flashing k5000m bios to check if it can be unlocked. I'm aware that i can possibly brick my gpu by doing this but im able to desolder vbios chip from card and flash it on programator
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