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Found 10 results

  1. Hi all, After giving up on trying to use the Maxwell Tweaker II, I'd like to request an unlocked vBios for this Laptop's GPU; Laptop: MSI Dominator GT70 2QD GPU: 970M 3GB Attached is the stock vBios dumped by me using NVFlash. Thanks! MSI Dominator GT70 2QD 970M 3GB STOCK vBios.rom
  2. Good day gents. I'm looking for a way to overclock my GTX 970m 3Gb pass the +135Mhz limit. After some research (presumably) i need an unlocked vBios. Please help if you can My stock bios is attached. Thanks a lot GM204.rom
  3. Hi everyone \0/ I have same problem with upgrade my GT70 (880M stock). I buy 970M from MSI vendor, sawed the heatsink for this card, also I have last version of BIOS and Firmware, but when I try flash vbios nvflash shows ERROR: No NVIDIA display adapters found. I tried to write nvflash --protectoff, reinstall BIOS and Firmware, disconnected the battery BIOS, but nothing! And i see some interesting fact, in BIOS my laptop is signed as GT70-2OC, but if i have 880M it signed as GT70-2PE. I don't undestand, what I need doing?
  4. Hello, I have a iBuyPower CZ-17 (which is a rebranded MS-1762, one of the barebone versions of the MSI GT70) and thanks to this site and svl7, I have my MSI 680m unlocked and overclocked and working great in this laptop. I also have the MSI fan control software found on this site working properly.. Thanks!! So now this leads me to my question, has anybody or does anybody know if I can flash the bios on this laptop mainboard with the MSI GT70 Bios version found on this site that unlocks and unhide all the Bios settings?? as I said it is a IBuypower CZ-17 which is a rebranded MS-1762, one of the barebone versions of the GT70. It has Intel Core I7 3740QM MSI GTX 680m
  5. Hey Guys and Tech Inferno Team, i am following this Forum for quite some Time now, but unfortunatly i didnt took part in any Discussion as of yet. Which is kinda sad, because i don`t have the permission to download the unlocked VBios for my GPU to try out some things. So i am a noob here and hope you guys have some Mercy with me, since i don`t even know, if i`m posting this in the right (sub)forum. I have this aging Dragon Edition: https://de.msi.com/Laptop/GT70_Dragon_Edition.html#hero-specification and i am trying to overclock my GPU (NV GTX 675MX 4GB) with MSI Afterburner but its locked at +135MHz Core Clock. So before i have the possibility to go higher (with unlocked VBios), i want to ask you guys some questions: 1. Is it worth to unlock my GPU to get some more FPS in Games? Has this Card some OC potential, or is it so minor to better not even try it? Maybe someone has tried to OC this GPU and can give some information about it. 2. What is the max Temperature this GPU can handle? Just to know, to better not raise Core Clock anymore. 3. Does raising the Memory Clock have any big impact on performance? Do i need to adjust the Memory Clock in order to the Core Clock? What is the max i can go for Memory Clock, since it doesn`t seem to be locked or im just to noobish. 4. Are there any Upgrade Kits out there, to change the GPU for lets say a GTX 980m or even a GTX 1080m? If it`s possible, can i change the CPU aswell? So much questions... i hope you guys can read it, since my english is not the best and that you don`t see this Thread like a spam. I am open for constructive criticism and any suggestions you can give. Any Help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
  6. I'm aware that this problem has come up before and is likely solved, but I am new to the forums so i need to post to have full access to these resources, so i figured i may as well start a new thread. Related posts: http://www.ebay.com/itm/222124374139?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT - Item I purchased https://www.techinferno.com/index.php?/forums/topic/6308-msi-gt70-no-post-black-screen-after-video-card-upgrade-from-675m-to-680m/ - People already discussing this very same issue https://www.techinferno.com/index.php?/forums/topic/1425-nvidia-kepler-vbios-mods-overclocking-editions-modified-clocks-voltage-tweaks/ - all available Keplar VBIOS I'd still like to start fresh though. The computer I plan on putting this into is a MS-1762 Windows 7 ultimate 64-bit i7-3630QM Quad-Core 2.4ghz 8GB DDR3 @ 1600mhz Chipset: HM77 / Intel Ivy Bridge My goal in this thread is to be prepared for when the card arrives. I have never flashed a VBIOS before so I will take all the help and advise I can get.
  7. Hello guys hoping you can help me out here. I recently picked up a gigabyte p35x v3 cf2 with a gtx980m i also have a msi gt70-0nd with a gtx675m. Unfortunately the msi's video card burnt out about a year ago but it is a much better machine for me. It stays much cooler and has a better screen/touchpad/keyboard. The p35x also gets way to hot and the motherboard has already died on me once, i believe the thermal solution in the gigabyte just cant handle gaming even with a cooling pad. During gaming i would see 95*+ on the cpu and the whole wrist pad gets very hot. My gt70 would only see 80*+ during heavy gaming and i don't need to carry around a cooling pad with it. Anyway i want to swap the videocard over from the p35x to the gt70, has anyone done this with success? I believe i could just flash the vbios with the MSI version avaliable from tech-powerUP. I am wondering about the heatsink, i work as a designer at a business with several CNC-vertical mills so i could fab something up just wondering if anyone has attempted this as it seems every gtx675 out there has burned itself out by now.
  8. Hi, I have what I think is a MSI GT70. It was built by Digital Storm and they called the model the "Carbine". So if anyone knows what the "Carbine" really is please let me know. I got it last august and it has a Nvidia GTX780M GPU in it. It also has a 120gb SSD and a 750gb HDD with 16gb RAM. I love my laptop. I can play almost every game out there on max settings and the gpu processes the high end engineering software models and graphics marvelously. It can almost keep up with my favorite engineering tools on full max settings which aren't needed. I just need "very high settings." Overall, I'm very happy with my laptop, whatever model it may be. All the internals are custom so they won't give you any clues as to the type of laptop which mine is aside from the GPU I think because I only had one choice for the GPU. Please let me know what kind of laptop I have so I know if the parts I like are compatible.
  9. Hi all, I'm new to upgrading PCs. Moved from console to PC gaming a year ago, so now need to learn more about upgrading the laptop. I have the ONE version of the GT70 laptop with the RAID 0 2x mSATA 128Gb SSD and a 7200rpm second HDD. Have to upgrade to W8.1 and, considering I am getting low on space on the SSDs (from where I run OS and some games), I am wondering what is a good upgrade path. I would like more SSD storage, and have read around the net that 1 SSD gives enough I/O and that RAID 0 doesn't really give any additional real world benefit. My question is though, that because the GT70 second HDD is only SATA II, would that still be the case versus the SATA III RAID 0? And is the thing about RAID 0 giving no real world benefit versus 1 SSD really true? And just to be sure, if games are mostly GPU-throttled, is there any point to even running games on SSD vs HDD? Thanks!
  10. Hi Guys So i'm new to this site, though i've read through some posts from which i can conclude that many users are facing the same throtling issue with this particular model. stable fps with sudden fps drops. slowdown of game play in some games. unstable play in general. I don't want to overclock my system to the point where the lifespam will decline. All i want is a stable computer, running at its full potential. I hope i can get some help from you Guys, as you seem to have it all figured out! Ian
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