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Found 5 results

  1. Hi, I am trying to do the "Ultimate" G73jh upgrade and I have power related issues. So I have the most "basic" G73jh, with i5-430m and 5870m. This version is the one with the brown MB, with only 2 memory slots. What I did: - Opening the whole laptop - Swapping 5970m to 7970m - Blind-Flashing 7970m vBios - It boot ! But GPU/RAM frequency stay at 450/300 maximum, because of my 120W PSU I think (throttle), So I ordered a 240W One - Swapping i5-430m to i7-920XM - It boot but I almost didnt use it because I was affraid of my weak PSU (dont want to burn it !) Then I received my new PSU, from ebay ( http://www.ebay.fr/itm/201638674476). And... Nothing change !! My 7970m is stil throttling. And I cant OC the 920XM, if I go over 70W TDP, the G73 instent shutdown :-/. I need your help to be sure Its a PSU related issue, and not something else, like my mobo etc. I dont want to buy a 100+€ PSU if this is not the problem. As my G73 is still out of his case, I manage to solder the PSU wire directly on the MB, and then I measured voltage during full load (prime95). IDLE 19,4-19,5V LOADED: 19,3-19,4V Not that bad ! I am very confused because the PSU seams to work. I have no oscilloscope to watch the signal in real-time... For sure it is not a real DELL but if voltage is not droping, whats wrong ? Its very frustrating to know that everything work but can't be "feeded" with Amps ! Any ideas ? EDIT: All temps are OK ! Furmark : 58° GPU... (because of the low Freq :-/ ) EDIT2: new info: I tried on battery, It is the same, is it a common behavioor ? (My battery is almost dead, only 30% capacity) EDIT3: Do you know if the "metalic" part of the case (under the keyboard) have somthing to do with the power delivery in the mobo ? EDIT4: I reassemble the laptop, so no, the metal plane have nothing to do with ground...
  2. Hi all, I recently purchased an 8970m from a friend and would like to bring back some life to my G73JH. As many are aware there has been much success in doing this with the 6970m, and more recently the 7970m. With the 8970m being so close (re branded 7970m from what I'm reading) and having an extra 2GB of memory, I don't see any reason why this wouldn't work just as well with a slightly more updated card. However, upon my sifting through information I have yet to see anyone try this with the G73JH and wanted to start a post related to information specific to the G73JH. With the 7970m, I believe most had luck with the Clevo card and the Clevo HM VBIOS. The card I purchased is a Clevo (MXM 3.0 with a stock VBIOS for the PM77 chipset. I would be upgrading from the stock 5870m (w. OC VBIOS). Aside from the obvious physical mods which should all be the same as the preceding cards, my main concern is the VBIOS. There has been some attempts I've read in regards to Alienware/other owners flashing with a 7970m (or modded 7970m) VBIOS resulting in bricked cards. Although, there seemed to be the thought that 7970m users could upgrade to the 8970m VBIOS just fine. If this is the same for ASUS compatible cards I would not want to brick by attempting to use the Clevo 7970m HM VBIOS that I mentioned earlier. -Is an updated 8970m VBIOS needed/available (or will the above work)? If an 8970m version is out there should it work with the G73JH? -If not, can one be created (possibly specific to the G73JH)? - I have read about OC attempts causing a lot of crashes I wouldn't necessarily need an OC'd VBIOS just one that will work with the G73JH (stability and the obvious improved performance over the stock card are my main focus) -I've also heard a lot about the initial 7970m Enduro problems that from what I have read have know been "resolved" and is supposedly working as intended with the 8970m. Is it recommended to run with or without Enduro enabled VBIOS ? Any information, advice, links, concerns etc is appreciated and will hopefully be able to share my findings for others if all goes to plan. -Thx
  3. Did anyone know that hd 7970m works on Asus G73jh ? 3dmark vantage: Here 3dmark 11 : here im sorry if I have posted in wrong section , I posted because M15x supports whatever g73 supports.
  4. I don't know why ASUS would allow you to update your bios from ntfs when it bricks your laptop! I've been researching it for a few days now and it seems my only options are either RMA to ASUS or reprogram the one that's causing the issue. I've tried everything as far as removing CMOS battery for a minute to removing hard drives and RAM. Still. When I plug it back up. I get no power. No lights. Nothing. I am leaning towards buying a programmer but before I did, I was wondering if anyone else had any solutions. Thank you
  5. Here's the official disassembly guide for the Asus G73 (JH, JW, ...). It shows all the necessary steps to take apart the system. When you do it several times you'll see that there are faster ways than just following each step, but it's a great help anyway. In case you need some specific pictures (more detailed than in the guide), let me know, I'll see what I can do. I still have some of the pictures I took while disassembling the G73JW.
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