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Found 9 results

  1. I’m running an Alienware M17xr4. Problem is when I change my A11 bios configuration to PEG and disable my igpu, my screen reboots to a blank screen followed by 1 beep. Then the screen lights up but is all black and seems to remain that way until I run out of patience. Does anyone know what is happening?
  2. Greetings, I'm doing a dsdt override for an egpu setup and i'm unable to find a fix for few errors. Using Windows Binary Tools (WBT – Dec 2016), Windows Driver Kit (WDK) and Notepad++ text editor System: Dell n5110 i5-2450m Windows 10 x64 pro gt525m + hd3000. Attached is the .dsl file. Kindly help me out as i'm out of options. Method (UXDV, 1, NotSerialized) { Local0 = 0xFF _T_0 = (Arg0 + Zero) If ((_T_0 == 0x03F8)) { Local0 = Zero } ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x02F8)) { Local0 = One } ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x0220)) { Local0 = 0x02 } ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x0228)) { Local0 = 0x03 } ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x0238)) { Local0 = 0x04 } ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x02E8)) { Local0 = 0x05 } ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x0338)) { Local0 = 0x06 } ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x03E8)) { Local0 = 0x07 } Return (Local0) } Method (RRIO, 4, NotSerialized) { _T_0 = (Arg0 + Zero) If ((_T_0 == Zero)) { CALE = Zero Local0 = UXDV (Arg2) If ((Local0 != 0xFF)) { CADR = Local0 } If (Arg1) { CALE = One } } ElseIf ((_T_0 == One)) { CBLE = Zero Local0 = UXDV (Arg2) If ((Local0 != 0xFF)) { CBDR = Local0 } If (Arg1) { CBLE = One } } ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x02)) { LTLE = Zero If ((Arg2 == 0x0378)) { LTDR = Zero } If ((Arg2 == 0x0278)) { LTDR = One } If ((Arg2 == 0x03BC)) { LTDR = 0x02 } If (Arg1) { LTLE = One } } ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x03)) { FDLE = Zero If ((Arg2 == 0x03F0)) { FDDR = Zero } If ((Arg2 == 0x0370)) { FDDR = One } If (Arg1) { FDLE = One } } ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x08)) { If ((Arg2 == 0x0200)) { If (Arg1) { GLLE = One } Else { GLLE = Zero } } If ((Arg2 == 0x0208)) { If (Arg1) { GHLE = One } Else { GHLE = Zero } } } ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x09)) { If ((Arg2 == 0x0200)) { If (Arg1) { GLLE = One } Else { GLLE = Zero } } If ((Arg2 == 0x0208)) { If (Arg1) { GHLE = One } Else { GHLE = Zero } } } ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x0A)) { If (((Arg2 == 0x60) || (Arg2 == 0x64))) { If (Arg1) { KCLE = One } Else { KCLE = Zero } } } ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x0B)) { If (((Arg2 == 0x62) || (Arg2 == 0x66))) { If (Arg1) { MCLE = One } Else { MCLE = Zero } } } ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x0C)) { If ((Arg2 == 0x2E)) { If (Arg1) { C1LE = One } Else { C1LE = Zero } } If ((Arg2 == 0x4E)) { If (Arg1) { C2LE = One } Else { C2LE = Zero } } } ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x0D)) Sample segment causing errors. dsdt-modified.zip
  3. Someone can Help me to configure my DIY for eGPU?? My Notebook: Dell vostro 5470, Dedicated card: 740m Don't start when connected to eGPU My version of BIOS is A12
  4. Hi My laptop p640re pcs defience 2 14". I recently opened it replace my Dying hdd and reaslembed it. I turned It on and Windows 10 loaded few seconds then BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP etc What is Happening ! EDIT: First led also blinking EDIT 2: 4 beeps AMI Bios means System Timer failure what do I do?
  5. Hi i have an msi ge 60 2pc and i am trying to install egpu exp v8 the gtx 1060 zotac 3gb, but i have the error 43 . haw i can resolve this ? , with the 650ti no problem , plz need help
  6. hi everyone im new here and i've been scouring and found no forum that has the same situation and problem or it might just be me not searching hard enough im using lenovo ideapad y400 V8.0 EXP GDC Beast Laptop External Independent Video Card Dock (attached using mpci-e to hdmi) 550W external power supply gtx 1060 3gb windfast leadtek when i first installed about a month ago it was running without a hitch and now suddenly whenever im playing games, the screen would go black and it would minimize the game with prompt saying "the display driver has recovered" im not sure what is the problem since i've made a few test using furmark and heaven to stress test the rig but it just ran fine, this only happens when im playing games or doing any 3d related works, so anybody with the same problem or is the hardware failing?
  7. Hello I have a gtx 660m. I Put it in my m15x with a 1.5mm coper shim. It fit good, also added paste. I have windows 10 and have tried every driver none are working. the eurocam driver I got off from their site for the 660m upgrade starts downloading and 2 minutes into the install, it fails, and an error pops up, "install failed" and that's it. please help :\ NOTE: The 660m is showing up as unknown in the device manager but I can still manage to get the hardware ids.. Also I believe my bois is a08 I downloaded a09 from dell and it just gave me a folder with some files in it no download setup THANKS!!
  8. hi guys, my lenovo y410p recently having " Event ID 13 from source nvlddmkm cannot be found" when playing new games (i tried tomb raider, sniper elite 3, shadow of mordor, watch dogs which receive same errors). i already ask to nvidia tech support they ask me to reinstall driver but it aint work. my friend has y400 which didnt have optimus activated he playing games all fine never received this error. And if i unlock the bios can i disable the optimus? so i wondering if you guys having same problem like me.. please help i really appreciate your supports:)
  9. M17x and M15x LED Error Codes LED Error Codes Alienware™ M15x has a different keyboard status LED Layout, it is Scroll Lock, Caps Lock and Num Lock. source: Dell
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