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Found 4 results

  1. Hi all, I finally stopped being a lurker here because now own a Batman 2.0 (P771DM-G) since a week! (Santech rebranded). Great machine, I'd say. It comes with the 970M flavour. What I'm wondering, though, is: IS IT POSSIBLE to raise the G-SYNC refresh rate for games up to the maximum specification of the screen? (possibily without touching VBIOS and such) So far I couldn't bring it beyond 60 Hz in-game. Those are my attempts, so far: - I Created a custom resolution for the screen in the NVIDIA Contorl Panel: 1920x1080 @ 75 Hz - It seems to work (specific websites do recognize the panel refresh at 75-ish Hz) - Activated G-SYNC (for full screen only) in NVIDIA the CP - Disabled Shadowplay (turning it on does the same, btw), just to be sure its 60FPS recording wasn't the limiting factor - Then start a Full Screen game, for example Team Fortress 2 (with all max settings, as like as GeForce experience allows) - Turn V-Sync Off in the game (Turning it On does not change anything in that regard) RESULT: The game is G-SYNC'd at 60 Hz (SIXTY HERTZ), instead of 75. SMH Is there a known and easy way to force max-Refresh Rate under G-SYNC at the real max Refresh of the Panel (75 Hz)?? And by the way here is a mini-review of that baby, showing the "problem" I'm facing: Thanks for any help, TheMacco26 EDIT: wrong Model. It's a P771DM-G.
  2. is this true? Overall Batman: Arkham Origins is a short game With the sheer number of villains and assassins that have been introduced for Batman: Arkham Origins, one would think that the game would be intense and long-- enough to keep you up for quite a few nights. Surprisingly, this is not the case, in fact, far from it, as the game only lasts a few hours.According to GameFront, the game can be completed in a span of half a day, or 12 hours to be precise. What's more, it seems that the 12 hours already covers side quests. Perhaps the main disappointment here lies in the fact that its predecessors and veteran developers of the Batman: Arkham game series put a staggering 40 hours of a fight, which makes the 12 hours seem too simple. Then again, perhaps this is where the I Am Night mode steps in, where you only have one life to live and get through the game. In addition, the DLC will also feature a ninja-in-training Batman, which fits into the origin story of a caped crusader aiming to hone his skills and become the hero he is meant to be Batman: Arkham Origins includes a permadeath mode that’s unlocked after you complete the main quest and New Game Plus. Hardcore batfans will likely opt for the third playthrough not just for the challenge, but because the single-player campaign and all of its sidequests can be completed in just 12 hours. That’s what Batman: Arkham Origins Producer Guillaume Voghel told Eurogamer over the weekend. And I’m not too pleased about it. While I’m looking forward to I Am The Night mode, the 12 hour playthrough including sidequests raises a few red flags that have been at half mast ever since Arkham Origins was announced. Namely: a new, untested studio, WB Montreal, is at the helm, not Arkham series creator Rocksteady Studios; and the writer of the first two games, award-winning comic scribe Paul Dini, is not involved. Throw in the fact the robust main campaign and sidequests in Batman: Arkham City took roughly 40 hours to complete, and it adds up to Arkham Origins sounding like a quickly thrown together follow-up that won’t come close to the high standards set by the first two games. Basically, what we feared it would be in the first place. I actually got the chance to go hands-on with Batman: Arkham Origins at E3 back in June, and I had a ball. It looks and plays just like Arkham City, but my overall impression was that it felt more like an expansion, not a full-blown sequel. News of the 12-hour playthrough time only solidifies that opinion, and it becomes downright perturbing when you consider that Warners recently announced at least five DLC packs for Arkham Origins. Among those five packs is Initiation, a single-player adventure where players become pre-Batman Bruce Wayne and learn to become a ninja from the master who taught Ra’s al Ghul. Sounds like a terrific mission that perfectly suits Origins’ main theme of a young Batman learning the ropes. Warners withholding it from the already brief core game and selling it as DLC is downright villainous and another sign the publisher is more interested in an easy payday than taking care of its most important franchise.
  3. Just got done watching the movie and it's my favorite of the trilogy. They did a great job of ending it, spoilers below: What's your thought on the movie?
  4. Funny shit: Montgomery County Police pulled over Batman on Wednesday. Yes, you read that right! Police stopped the ‘Batmobile’ driven by a man dressed as the Caped Crusader on Wednesday because his vehicle didn’t have any tags on the back — only the Batman emblem. Indeed, it was quite the sight for officers and onlookers who were driving southbound on Route 29 near Prelude Drive. After verifying that the man owned the vehicle police let him off with just a warning so that he could go do good in the community. As it turns out, the super hero (Lenny B. Robinson) was on his way to visit sick children in a local hospital. via Washington CBS Local and
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