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Found 4 results

  1. Can somebody help me with my Alienware 13 2015 model with i7-5500u & gtx 960m, i’’m requesting for a full clone bios dumped... the technician didnt backup the original broken bios, it was bricked because of common alienware fault of software bios update. It freezes/hang the laptop and doesnt do anything, even if you waited for atleast 5hrs hoping that i would successfuly updated it by itself... can some body here provide me a full clone dumped of my same specs alienware 13 r1 laptop bios, so it can bootup properly... im very sorry for my english, i’m not good at it
  2. I just recently received my newest Alienware purchase - the new 13" model with an nVidia GeForce GTX 960m (a Maxwell chip.) I'm aware of the recent debacle in which nVidia disabled all mobile overclocking in their drivers, I believe versions 345.09 and up. It's also been said that they've disabled it in their new vBIOSes as well. However I was able to uncover a link in which users are confirming that version 347.88 enabled overclocking even on cards that are intended to be clock-blocked in vBIOS: NVIDIA 347.88 Game Ready Driver - 17/03 (re-enables overclocking!) | NotebookReview There's even a user who reports having inf-modded that driver to allow installation with the new 960m, and claims to have unlocked overclocking capability. However, as yet I've been unsuccessful in modding that same driver to install on my system. I've copied the main ListDevices.txt file and all the .inf files in the Display.Driver folder over from version 350.12 which naturally supports the 960m but the result reports "required files are missing" and will not install. Could someone with more experience than I when it comes to inf-modding a driver give me some pointers? Any other ideas or solutions for unlocking the likely massive OC potential of the 960m? vBIOS mod perhaps? I've seen a mod for the 970m along with a modified nvflash EXE. I can provide my current vBIOS if anyone is willing to look into it!! Thank you!!
  3. Can the new Alienware 13" be fitted with a GTX 980M and 4980HQ?
  4. Hey guys. I'm not a gamer and i dont game that much on a PC, maybe on a console, but not a PC. I'm a photographer and i mainly work in Lightroom or Photoshop and do photo rendering and super sized panoramas. Currently i have a Lenovo Thinkpad W520 with quad-core i7, 24GB DDR3 RAM, SSD's, and 2GB Nvidia Quadro, and yes i fill up the RAM once i open 20 36MP RAW photo in photoshop. I had this setup for over 4 years now and i'm looking for something with more powerful GPU. My main issue with getting the next system is that i need something portable since i do travel a lot and need my system with me to work on location. I saw what Alienware did with their graphics amplifier and that idea caught my attention so i started my research into eGPU and need some expert advice if you can. I have few system that interest me for now and not sure which one to go with. - mini ITX custom built PC with ThermalTake Core V1 case, intel i7-6700k, 16GB DDR4, 1TB SSD, Nvidia GeForce 970 4GB - New Alienware 13" i7-5500u, 16GB RAM,Nvidia 960 2GB + getting the graphics amplifier and install Nvidia 970 4GB in it - MSI GS30 Ghost with Nvidia 970 4GB in the dock - Macbook retina 13" 2.7GHz dual-core i5, 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD + any eGPU that you guys recommend as long as it works with Mac OS - Thinkpad W541 and get some eGPU that works off the thunderbolt 2.0 For the mean time i have a 3000 CAD budget which is fine for all the systems i mentioned. I really liked the MacBook idea but 90% of the guys i saw implementing this system were using windows which i dont want to do if i'm buying a MacBook. What scares me in the Alienware is some people mentioned that the cable might end up throttling the performance of a high end eGPU. I would love to hear what you guys think of this.
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