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Samual Adam Strand

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  1. I've been searching high and low for some concrete information on upgrading my Alienware 17 screen. From the information I have gathered from guides on other models is that you may need the specific motherboard for the connectors. So I thought i'd ask for a bit of help on the matter as I am till unsure on what the procedure will be for my model. I've had the screen replaced by a technician under warranty so I am comfortable with taking it apart myself. The screen I currently have is the full 1080p 60Hz matte display. The display I am looking at is the 60Hz 3D model. Any help on this would be much appreciated as well as any recommendations as to where I could obtain the parts with being based in the UK.
  2. Anyone replaced there stock thermal paste with Arctic Silver 5? Also what speeds have you guys found to be most stable for Prema's modded vBIOS?
  3. Thanks for your quick reply! I have attempted to do it as well as through elevated cmd prompt tool. If I do it the way you suggest by clicking step1.bat it opens but immediately quits even when run as an administrator. Through the cmd prompt it loads but as soon as it does I get the "Error 284: Fail to load driver (PCI access for Windows). *EDIT* After playing around a bit I have managed to successfully flash the custom BIOS. Thanks Prema for all your work! Now just to find the right clock speeds for gaming
  4. Thank you Prema! I have downloaded the GE60_E16GAIMS.514_WIN8_OC and the fpt.exe now loads in Windows 8. However I am stumped on what the next steps are as whatever I try to do it doesn't seem to be working. What are the exact steps I have to take for a successful flash? I have never used these tools before so sorry for the inconvenience.
  5. I've tried myself to flash these from the instructions on the first page but to no avail. If anyone could please guide us on how to correctly flash these I would happily donate for your troubles.
  6. Thank you for getting back to me I have flashed the required bios on the first page which was the E16GAIMS.514. As for my msi model it is the GE60 0ND Windows 8 edition.
  7. Could anyone aid me in flashing these bios files? I know how to install the msi official upgrades easily but I just can't seem to get a rufus dos formatted drive to boot into DOS mode to flash these OC revisions. What is the step by step by those of you who have successfully flashed these? Thank you.
  8. Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction as I cannot find it anywhere I am looking for a VBIOS for the MSI GE60 with the GTX 660M. I've searched the thread but I just hit dead leads and svl7 said in an earlier post that he has one floating around somewhere. Any help would be much obliged
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