Hi. Did you manage to find a laptop that would fit the described criteria? I've been looking for a similar hardware setup with a 16-17" screen and, therefore, a bit heavier. So far haven't had much luck with the search, though.
I figured the size of the screen could be the limiting factor when it comes to the weight of the machine. I used to have Asus ROG GL502 - a 15.6" laptop with 1060 that was slight over 2kg. Its dimensions, however, were almost identical to the 17" model. Yet I could never find a 17" model that would be below 2.8kg. I am searching for a replacement now, but it looks like the technology hasn't improved much over the last 5 years. Perhaps it is best going with the i-GPU after all, the only option we have right now for a 15.6-16" laptop below 1.8kg. Shall see how the upcoming AMD RDNA3.0 i-GPU performs, could be powerful enough for modest gaming needs.