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  1. Worked! You are the best! Here is my A12 dump for mod: https://www.sendspace.com/file/9zpsun Thank you!
  2. Discovered! The flasher really generates the file "platforms.ini". If that file doesn't exists on folder, the flasher creates the file itself. I tried to use a "generic" Insyde flasher and the cenario is the same. If I rename your "platform.ini" as "platforms.ini", the flasher substituts your "modded" one
  3. I think that there is an instruction inside the EXE flasher's code that verifies the content of "platforms.ini"
  4. Thanks! I've getting an error to upload files here. I'll post the full content of the "platforms.ini".
  5. Hello guys! I'm trying to update the BIOS of my friends' Inspiron 5537 to post here for mod, but the flasher doesn't proceed to flash because the battery of laptop isn't charging anymore. Everytime I changed the field "batterychek=1" to "batterycheck=0" on file "platform.ini", the flasher changes its value to 1 again e ask for a charged battery. How can I bypass this?
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