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  1. Something else I don't understand. In win10, the card works fine in optimus mode. I ran furmark, everything works correctly. But if the peg mode is set in bios, I get 8 beeps. Why is that?
  2. Thanks @Klem! gm204mod.rom still works and does not hang. I will be testing more. Another question: driver 471.41 is not installed ("This graphics driver did not find a compatible graphics hardware"). The last driver we managed to install is 399.24. Is this a feature of vbios-mod? Is it possible to install 471.41 without modifying the inf file?
  3. It's my vbios-stock https://cloud.mail.ru/public/aXcP/gcPRB9sm6
  4. Hi guys! @Klem , can you upload the file gm204mod.rar that you gave for Skyl3r again? @Skyl3r, maybe you still have this file? I have the same laptop (m17xr4), I am also trying to upgrade to 980m (dell, 8gb) and I have a very similar problem. Thanks
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