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  1. Works perfectly, thanks a lot! Stable at 3,18 ghz, instead of 2,4 before, i did some quick testing in cinebench, from original 470cb i jumped to 612cb, thats roughly 30% performance increase just a note for other z710s: i dont have laptop keyboard so the air flow is much better. thanks a lot
  2. I find it wierd too, it might be translation thing.. I can send you a screenshot, tho its in czech.. anyways im quite sure my 'maximum performance' = high performance i double checked and cpus in this mode run on 100% both with battery only or pluged in
  3. Hello Klem, For some wierd reason my z710 doesnt use turbo boost at all, running at 2,4mhz all the time, with only 60-70 degrees on my cores, since its an older laptop im not afraid to overclock it a bit, also i dont have control over my fans at all, like this whole laptop is a disaster... I wonder, would your bios update fix theese issues? Thanks a lot in advance! https://www.sendspace.com/file/jhmqpi
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