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  1. Maybe. The problem is that there is not much you can still do with this setup. Is you are Wondering to maybe purchase a new GPU in order to get an upgrade later, I think that is correct. I finally gave up and purchased a desktop computer, but thanks to Lenovo's masterpiece y510p and Gerald's adapter, i was able to play 2020's games with such an old laptop
  2. No. I haven't tried cyberpunk (I think that this setup will not ever be enough to run it). I have tried warzone (70 fps low settings)… halo infinite (50 fps low) and diablo II (more than 60 fps). My advice is to get a graphic card with a good aging (rx580 is good but is too old to run new games). I changed my entire setup but now I can run everything.
  3. Hi. I had this setup when I had the adapter... Yes, in spite of being a very decent processor, the 4700MQ will bottleneck the rx580. I think having a better GPU would not improved much the fps, being bottlenecked by the processor and adapter itself. I played warzone (all minimum) and were around 70 fps, very decent for a very outdated setup
  4. Hi, I've sell the adapter recently. Regards!
  5. Hi, Anyone interested in the ultrabay adapter? Finally, I'm going to mount a Desktop PC with AMD Ryzen 5600, because the i7-4700MQ was bottlenecking quite a lot the graphic card. Thanks to this adapter, I've been able to play games even in this year, when this Laptop is from 2013. If anyone are interested, please PM me. The adapter is from @geraldproduction. Regards. Edit: I'm in Spain, can ship worldwide ir required.
  6. Hi Again. I did the expansion to 16 GB. Of course, Warzone has a pretty heavy load on Memory. I also put a SSD as a main drive and a second HDD on the caddy (Similar as posted in this thread). Game is installed on HDD (Is insanely huge) using the SSD as Cache. I use the following to improve warzone with my rx580: - Running Everything on low. 1080p. - Latest AMD Drivers. - Throttestop with the following configuration. Please note I already quit the laptop keyboard to improve air flow. Multiplier: x36 x34 x33 x32. Non turbo ratio activated (Set to 1). Undervolt -80mV in CPU core voltage - Install Inteligent Stand by list cleaner Processor runs around 80ºC/85ºC tops, but I also installed Lenovo Ideafan V2.0 to activate fan cleaning if reach a certain temperature. I also reapplied thermal paste. Before the thermal paste, the CPU reached around 95ºC . Note that my RX580 has only 4GB of ram. I'm lucky to still run this game, specially Verdansk, but to achieve this I've done several tweaks. Warzone uses al lot of memory and CPU.
  7. Hi!, I'm Still using my Y510p with @geraldadapter along with my RX580. What I´ve done I purchased the HD Caddy for the Y510P, I don´t remenber, but I brought it on amazon for around 20€. Then I couple it with @geraldadapter, so I can have both items connected at the same Time. I don't know if this can help you @StBalthazar. I know, it´s a mess to deal with the Egpu, monitor and PSU. I honestly gave up the idea to move my laptop, so it's pinned. I want to thank you for everyone, specially @gerald for the first adapter and @Swung Huang for giving it a second chance. Today I can run Warzone on 80 fps with throttestop and my Egpu. y510p laptop have been a great deal for me (I Purchased it in 2013). Later this year or in the 2022 I will purchase a Desktop PC. But thanks to this adapter I'm still enjoying new titles. Waiting for BF6, but I'm not optimistic about this CPU and my GPU. EDIT: I don't know if its feasible to connect another egpu on wifi adapter (by the way, wifi adapter for the y510p really sucks). I have also issues with sound card adapter, but I fixed it with cable connection (1GB) and USB sound card.
  8. Hi guys, some time without posting. My RX580 it`s still working like a charm, on BF1 Ultra settings 1920x1080 around 30-70 fps (Depends of conquest maps, special effects like smoke & fire). What I`m really impressed is about the current Hardware pricing for the GPU, I purchased my RX580 around 230 Euros, but at this time my GPU (This one htps://www.pccomponentes.com/gigabyte-radeon-rx-580-gaming-4g-4gb-gddr ). it´s sold out and are around 340Euros (That´s 48% pricier than before). I guess is due the current cryptomining fashion, because these cards well worth the money for the investment.
  9. Other thing that I have experience, always In my opinion, using the adapter with a high end card like vega, you can feel that the bottleneck will be the processor and the hard drive, so before doing some invest in a high end card you can try first with a mid card range like the RX580 and upgrade to SSD the hard drive. So wasting the money only in the high end card will not be convenient unless you do the SSD investment first.
  10. I also have the RX580. Everything running fine so far. More than 60 fps on High/ultra on BF1. The most complicated situation was the installation ( I mean, uninstalling the Nvidia drivers that was in conflict with AMD). I suggest to see the entire tread, Tesla has an awesome video explaining everything. I don´t have experience with Vega, however I suggest you to pick the card after receiving the adapter (Amazon, in example), and test it, if you have any problem, you can return it back and don´t waste the money. Regards,
  11. Andrew. Did you put in legacy mode on bios? I think it the problem may be your bios setup. I suggest you to see Tesla video on this forum. Is clearly described all the steps.
  12. Hi Andrew I had the same problem as you described. The issue was the windows attempt to install the Nvidia drivers (stubborn windows), after recognized, windows messed up between AMD and Nvidia drivers. I don't remember which program I used to do the clean uninstall, but search on this forum (I don't remember the name, sorry) My solution was uninstall entirely Nvidia (drivers, software) and disable on the windows device manager. Once that the only video card able to work (beside the rx) is the windows drivers. I'm using the bios V2. 07 (the original one) Regards
  13. Hi all, For my setup, using a Gigabyte RX580, and a PSU of 650W (Tacers Radix eco) everything is running fine so far. I followed the instructions by Tesla (BTW Thank you for the video). In regards with the games, I tested 3 games, everything on Ultra, Ambient Occlusion On, Multialiasing on, and I Have the following readings BF4: Around 90-120 fps (Depend of maps). Previously, with the 750M Sli configuration, with everything Low-Medium settings reach 60 fps, but some explosions, smokes and high demand graphics reduces this amount to 40-50fps. BF1: Around 60-90 fps (Depend of maps). Curiously, this game is not supported by the y510p due to extremely high requirements to run, the y510p + RX580 works like a charm so far. Previously, I played small maps (On team deathmatch mode) with everything on low (I have the 750M sli configuration) and the FPS barely reach the 60fps GTA V: Everything very high settings, i did not test the FPS, however the game runs flawlessly Again, thank you Gerald for your work, with this I will be able to play games around 2-3 more years without changing the PC. I Attached some pictures, I mount everything on top, with a cooling base, the temperature readings for the graphic card on BF1 reach 74°C, CPU average 90°C (Ambient temperature room 23°C) Regards, EDIT: Playing on 1080p
  14. Yes, It works! Tomorrow i Will send pictures. So far good, at least with BF4, with Everything on Ultra I tried the adapter today, It works! Thanks gerald. Tomorrow I will send pictures of my rig
  15. Hi, Does anyone tried with the new family of GPU's of AMD? https://www.pccomponentes.com/sapphire-pulse-radeon-rx-580-4gb-gddr5 I want to try with the RX580, because the price tag between the RX480 and this one is really small (The differences are small also), but i was wondering if anyone has tried with the new GPU, or instead i shall go with the RX480 because here are several people using it like a charm.
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