I'm a bit new in BIOS moding, usually I don't touch it too risky.
I've got a Lenovo L540 that I don't use, so I decided to move it under Maverick OSX, so everything works great, I've got a really cool and stable iLenovo! ^^ exept Wifi card, I purchase a Broadcom BCM94352Z to replace the Intel 7260 OEM to solve that. But Lenovo has whitelist that locked computer from starting, and I haven't any bios network option to deactivate the card.
Here is the backup log : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zloub0m1ezpczte/AACPzC7xmx42nd1SAp5vzTlTa?dl=0
It seems that I have error 280 that locked bios flashable option, I find tuto to flash the bios with hardware tool, I find information about FPT TOOL too that could bypass this problem without buying hardware tool.
Does anyone can clarify that a bit for me? ^^ I'm pretty confused!
Thks by advance, regard FF