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Everything posted by Smiffy

  1. P370EM with crossfired 7970m here. I would simply love it if the heat related problems were dealt with :- i) Seperate CPU from GPU to reduce the possibility of heat exchange ii) Improve airflow by allowing for less restrictive air intake and exhaust vents iii) Make available the drivers and updates from Clevo direct, once the reseller disappoints we have no one else to turn to, this is disheartning.
  2. Thank you very much for your very prompt response and insight provided @Prema (Y) I thought that as one is the master, Enduro might result in a difference between the master and slave vbios, from what you have said O presume this not to be the case but please correct me IF I presume wrong. One last question please ... On an earlier post (ATI 7970m Clevo P370EM vBIOS File) You state that on EM systems AMD cards need to be flashed from within windows - it appears the OP was having issues with UEFI. The question is, does that still apply or does it apply to me, non-uefi or to put it another way, can I flash my 7970m vbios from DOS using ATIFlash and is this version dependent. I ask because I am blindflashing from USB and it will be hard to determine if something is not quite working right or simply failing as I can only do it from within Windows.
  3. Is this still the case even with the latest version of ATIFlash, I have a P370EM crossfired. I was going to blind-flash backup my Master and Slave GPUs vbios from DOS as well as reflash the Master GPU, will this not work - I feel disheartened now ;(
  4. Double post due to delay in Admin approval, see post below Please delete this post
  5. My system came from the OEM crossfired - December 2012 Can anyone inform me of what differences if any are between the master gpu VBIOS and the slave. In other words can I backup the vbios from the slave and flash it into the master or vice versa ? Taking the date of purchase into consideration, what would my vbios version most likely be, and is there anyway of determining this visually by examining the gpu without having to unseat it.
  6. I really do not like having to move my laptop as it is a bit of a bugbear but when I do it is by backpack. Of all the backpacks I looked at and tried, the one I found best suited my needs was from Roamlite, the 17" version which I believe might have been the RL13M, but don't quote me on the model number, all I can confirm was that it was the 17"inch version. There is a padded sleeve in the back compartment that my laptop slips into and an elasticated strap with a square bit of velcro at it's tip that locks it in. I own a Clevo P370EM (a 17" Laptop) which on it's own it already is a hefty/heavy piece of kit, considering it really is a Desktop replacement system that seemingly (or in reality) weighs as much as a desktop system.. Then comes the brick of a power supply you ALWAYS need to heft around with you on all trips as you would otherwise barely have enough power to do anything worthwhile on this power hungry crossfired Laptop. My Roamlite comfortably holds both with enough room and extra compartments for a lot more besides i.e. books, cd.s, swimming trunks and towel, phone chargers, maps. a small 1 man tent (rolled up but minus the kitchen sink), etc, you get the jist - and most importantly it does so in relative comfort. The shouldar pads are padded as is the carry handle and most importantly, the pack is waterproof (at least I never had an issue with the rain getting let in) and the pack is pretty comfortable on those oddish longer hikes one sometimes has to make. I bought mine on amazon and as I write this after checking on it I see it is going for less than half what it cost me ............grrrrrrr For the smaller back pack or to hold a 15" laptop I believe a school size bag pack of the same brand should suffice and while I have heard some people complain that the pack has fallen apart on them, mine has remained in pretty good condition - one secret, anytime I see a fraying of threads I simply put my lighter to it and pat down the residue..
  7. If there is not much of a difference in performance then price would be the only other factor and I would think that going SLI would probably be the cheaper option but I may be wrong. That said, I don't have a Y400 but, if I recall correctly from when I last researched buying a laptop, the Y400 does not allow for SLI unless the swappable bay does indeed allow for this to take place - If I were you I would first confirm if you could indeed go SLI and the reexamine your options. You might also want to find out if you would need to upgrade the power supply to support SLI. Sorry I cannot assist you more but I hope this helps,
  8. If there is not much of a difference in performance then price would be the only other factor and I would think that going SLI would probably be the cheaper option but I may be wrong. That said, I don't have a Y400 but, if I recall correctly from when I last researched buying a laptop, the Y400 does not allow for SLI unless the swappable bay does indeed allow for this to take place - If I were you I would first confirm if you could indeed go SLI and the reexamine your options. Sorry I cannot assist you more but I hope this helps,
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