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Everything posted by DR650SE

  1. Lol no worries. I have hand any issues with the connections, but I'll be double checking them after work. Fan was running, but no way to check temps in the bios :/ I'll go back over all motherboard connections again. Sent from my DROID RAZR XT912 / CM 10.2
  2. Ok so at the other forum I started a thread, but I wanted to start one hear as well to try and rack some great minds to see if I can solve my problems. Several months back my X7200 died. I turned it off, took it home, and nothing. Would not power on or anything. However the front of the laptop would show that it was plugged in. The lights would light up. Eventually I decided the best fix was a motherboard. So I dropped $390 to Eurocom for a new mobo. Well in the last few days I was able to do the motherboard swap. Now it powers on, but I really can't do anything without it blue screening. I'm almost ready to give up, but I don't want to since I just dropped $390 into the motherboard, and had to replace my screen a few months back after it was crushed as I deployed out here. I was trying to repair this so I can wait to get a desktop later on and still retain a mobile platform. But right now I can't boot into Windows. Can't boot into Startup Repair, Can't boot into Safe Mode, Tried removing each GPU, Tried Removing each RAM DIMM, tried RAM in different slots, Tried removing each HDD, Tried booting from Win 7 disk, tried booting from a Ubuntu Linux disk, Tried changing from AHCI to RAID and vice versa, tried reseating and repasting the GPU, tried repasting the CPU. Nada. All I can think of is another motherboard issue with a brand new motherboard. My last ditch effort maybe to get a cheap i7 CPU and try that. When I first tried repasting the CPU, it wouldn't post to the bios, then I cleaned it a bit and repasted and it began again. The system will post to the bios, and I can get into the bios. I can sit in the bios as long as I want, but anything paste is super sketchy and eventually just restarts, or BSOD. The BSODs sometimes vary. If you have any suggestions please let me know. I've sprung a few more gray hairs because of this lol. I'm almost ready to box it up and ship it home. EDIT: I also ran a memory test, didn't seem to come up with any issues. Here is my thread over at the other forum: Maybe of some help? http://forum.notebookreview.com/sager-clevo/728401-x7200-wont-power.html Here is the light that would come on with the old motherboard, even though all other signs pointed to a dead mobo. No power to anything, no response to anything. Here is a snapshot of the BSOD, at least one of them I have gotten. Stop 0x0000007e.
  3. Thanks guys. I'll definitely look into a 1k PSU. And I'll revisit the GPUs as well. I'll be building this when I get home. I ordered a new mobile for my X7200 so I can wait for desktop part prices to go down. This way I have both desktop and a mobile system. Looks like 4930k is only $15 or so more than 3930k on Newegg Sent from my DROID RAZR/JB CM 10.2 via Tapatalk II
  4. Codebreaker! Welcome man, long time no see! Good to see you man how have you been? Sent from my DROID RAZR/JB CM 10.2 via Tapatalk II
  5. Thanks! I'll definately have to look into the 670. Didn't realize they were pretty much the same and a 670 could be flashed to a 760. Would it matter what make it was from? such as EVGA? I'm not sure I have room in the budget for the custom PCBs. Maybe when I get back home. I'll sell the 760s and get something more, or just get more 760s I havn't seen anyone run quad SLI with 760s on the bot or any youtube videos. The motherboard I'm looking at right now is the ASUS Rampage IV Extreme which seems like a good mortherboard with lots of OCing options, though I'm so new, I don't know if I'd be able to tell what was good or limiting. It has a crzy number of options though, and I didn't realize till a little bit ago, it has 8 RAM dimms. It also has LN2 mode and sub zero sense, which sounds like fun. This board is an extended ATX, so my guess is it'll be quite large. If there are any better boards, that are also cheaper, I wouldn't mind suggestions. Right now I'm trying to see where I can cut costs, and hopefully not sacrifice too much performance. As for a CPU cooler, I'm currently looking at the H100i, which seems decent, maybe a bit loud, but I could always replace the fans whtn I get home and have access to Microcenter. It'll also be an easy solution for when I'm overseas. And since I have a Dice pot at home, any real benching I do will be done with that. I'll probably make a bench station or find one when I get home as well. The case, I just want something that looks decent and provides room for growth. Be it extra HDDs, or GPUs in the future. I figure if game performance goes down, I can always just get another GPU. It's definately going to be nice to have something that is very easily upgradeable. Another thing, my main concern is the monitor. I want to get somethihng of a higher resolution then 1080. I was recommended the Dell U2711, but are there other options I should consider? Maybe something cheaper? What about PSU, is 1300W really neccessary for what I'm looking at? I feel like it's overkill. If there is anything else I can do to shave off some money, I'd love to hear it. I may drop the webcam since I can just skype on my tablet. Man, this whole process would be easier if I was in the states. I'll probably order 90% of the stuff and run into an issue where I have to RMA the RAM lol which will add some more weeks to the build time Thanks again for the help! Really appreciate it. I feel like I have no clue what I'm getting into lol. Spent too long in the notebook world.
  6. Thanks, I was looking at the 780,but it's more expensive than dual 760s. Would the performance of a single 780 be greater than that of dual 760s? Sent from my Samsung Captivate/JB CM 10.1 via Tapatalk.
  7. Hey guys, Im looking to build a desktop. I was going to use the money on a pretty decked out Clevo PM570WM, but figured for what I was going to spend on that, I could get a whole lot more computer for my dollar. I will also hang onto my dead Clevo X7200 in hopes of finding a new motherboard for it for my mobile system. I'm a pack rat so I like to take a ton of storage space with me when I'm on the go. Also, at the moment, I'm deployed overseas. Working 12 hours a day. When I'm of shift I tend to go running, eating and sleeping. While I'm at work I get a lot of free time. Which was one reason I was leaning toward a Clevo P570WM. But when I go home, I'll be pretty stationary. I'll be going home in March 2014. So I figured till then when I'm off work I can play on the desktop, and even when I'm at work, I may be able to hang out in my room if nothing was going on. Well see. So I came up with a list of desktop parts below. Problem is, I have been out of the desktop world for over 13 years, so I'm not too sure what I'm doing. This is a starting point for me. being a benchmarker, I love a lot of GPU power and CPU power (Don't we all? ) Idealy I'd like to keep it under $3K, may go over for the right price/parts, Maybe up to $3500. I figure I can get into water cooling when I take the system home. I'll be stowing it under the plane, don't really want to mail it. As far as the monitor, I put that on the list but actually plan to order a Dell U2711 off Amazon. Also I listed a 3930K CPU, but that is mostly just a place holder and to reflect on the budget. I plan to get a i7 4930K when it comes out, and since Microcenter tends to beat newegg on prices, I'll have my wife pick it up and mail it out to me. . Also as for the GPUs, I figured that running dual GTX 760 GPUs, Would possibly beat a Titan. I'd love to get a Titan, but lets be real, thats a lot of cash. and I figured dual 760's would be a lot cheaper. I also plan to run Folding@home a lot, at least while I'm deployed since I don't pay the electric bill :p Originally I wanted a Titan, simply because it looks like one bad . But $1K is a lot of cash. Am I wrong here? Should I spring for a Titan? Please, let me know what I should drop, and why, or if you have suggestions for alternate parts, I'd love to know. Should I get a closed loop while I'm here? Or just get a decent heatsink, and then do a nice custom waterloop when I get home? Is there a better monitor option? Better RAM? Let me know. This was all a shot in the dark. A starting point for me if you will. Im a desktop n00b!!! I'd love to get my prices down and want to maximize performance for gaming, benching, Folding, video encoding ect.
  8. I'm in the reserves, so we get tapped from time to time. Didn't see this till now. We're out in Kyrgyzstan. Fun times. And now the only things I can bench is my phone and tablet lol Sent from my Samsung Captivate/JB CM 10.1 via Tapatalk.
  9. Sounds good Thanks! That's what I'll do then. I've never used a 120Hz scree before so looking forward to it. Sent from my GT-P3110 using Tapatalk 4
  10. I'm definitely excited for an upgrade in GPUs Sent from my Samsung Captivate/JB CM 10.1 via Tapatalk.
  11. Anyone know which screen is better? Matte 120Hz 72% Gamut, or the Gloss 90% Gamut 60Hz? I have a 90% gloss screen on my X7200 and it's a decent screen. Just havn't seen the 120Hz yet.
  12. Lol, as much as I like folding, I doubt my wallet can handle that. Lol otherwise I'd love to! Sent from my GT-P3110 using Tapatalk 4
  13. Hmm, must be a setting on my browser. Yea, of all the senarios, the mobo dieing is something I didn't count on. I can part out the X7200 from here. Maybe even bench the 580M in the NP9570 But I will be able to sell a lot of the stuff. I had image backups of all my drives, and stored on two individual drives. I even just replacved the screen as it cracked when I was in transit out here. But I will definately be selling it. So sounds like quad memory is a must. I may get that from the retailer then just so it's under warranty. Also sounds like I'll be going with the Intel card. I'm definately going to be going with the 780M SLI setup. I'm definately going to pickup Ivy-E when it's available. Then I can keep the 3930K and build a desktop around that. Then I'll be able to bench Ivy-E on a desktop with a simple swap. OCing RAM is something I've never done. What kinda RAM would I need to get to get to OC to 2133MHz? I'm definately about maxing out specs and OCing @Prema, Your work is great and another of the main reasons I want to invest in this system. Keep up the fantastic job! Oh, and I'll definitely be getting a warranty. That's one of the main things I want to get since my X7200 isn't under warranty. Just need to decide how long out the warranty should go. 1-3 years?
  14. Hmm, Looks like Powernotebooks.com ist still cheaper in the end. Even if I'm stuck getting RAM, HDD and an optical drive, it comes out to something like $6 more than RJTech, and I can sell the HDD, RAM, and optical drive to recoup some cash. @svl7, I wanted to go with Alienware, but in the end, really enjoyed having the 980X CPU. I've been doing a ton of video encoding, playing emulators, and of course, benching. Plus I really like having 4 full sized HDDs. It makes it easier to just install them by just swaping. I pretty much don't use my laptop unless I can plug it in, so to me battery life isn't a concern. But the big draw for me is being able to have 6 cores for folding@home, and some of the other stuff. Plus, it's enticing for benching to have the possibklity of a Ivy-E. At this point I realize that I will never get a full desktop overclocked experience. . That was the same case with the 980X. While I could put up some decent numbers, I just couldn't change the TDP and run with the true desktops. The board just isn't designed for it. I think I'm ok with that. Though I was able to run 4GHz stable for an everyday clock. But at the time the system died, it was running stock, only a GPU OC Im definately still an Alienware Fanboi however My original plan was to keep the X7200 as my mobile system and sell an old engagement ring I have. I can sell the ring (diamond) for about $4K. I was going to use all that money to build a home server, and a monster desktop. The other idea was going to be keep the X7200 and get the successor to the NP9570 / Clevo P570WM. But I'm deployed, and won't redeploy home until at least March 2014. I'm not sure I want to get into trying to repair the X7200. I'm hoping the X7200 just has a dead motherboard, but those are not easy to come by. And I don't really have all the tools I would want. All I have is a small phillips screwdriver. Not much place to work, though I could do it at work. *sigh* and I was just getting really into Diablo 3 (lvl 56 Barbarian. ) When I go home, if I get an NP9570 / Clevo P570WM, I may just part the rest of the X7200 (GPUs, RAM, Screen, keyboard, ect) and use the money to build a decent desktop around the 980x. Who knows. I want it all and I want it now! lol EDIT: Why, on my T|I page, is everything centered? It's driving me crazy. Every post is centered, every line.
  15. Hey guys, been a while since I've been on since I'm deployed overseas. Recently my X7200 dropped dead. I was playing Diablo 3 at work, shut down the laptop. Took it to my room and it wouldn't powrer on at all. Not even fans spinning for a sec. However the front indicator lights would turn on when the system was plugged in. I disassembled the laptop, cleaned it and nothing. Tried both seperate PSUs, nothing. Tried booting with no CPU, nothing. Pulled GPUs, nothing. Tried each CPU, nothing. So not sure how or what happened. Anyway being deployed I'm looking to get a new Sager NP9570 / Clevo P570WM. Below is a configuration I put together. From what I understand the 3970X is a bit much for the system. Being that it's 150W it makes OCing the system difficult. So I think I may drop the 3970X to the 3930K. This way I can keep it cool. Then when Ivy-E comes out, from what I see and understand (Please correct me if I'm wrong) the Sager NP9570 / Clevo P570WM will be able to support Ivy-E, so thats when I'll drop the real cash. Few questions I had. 1. Is the Killer 1202 much better than the Intel card? 2. How much will I realistically be able to OC with Premas Bios? 3. Can I drop the TDP or play with voltage? 4. Will I realistically be able to drop in a 4970X when it comes out? Seems very appealing since it will have even lower power consumption than a 3930K. Currently my plan is to get the min RAM, and if possible, order it with no OS/HDDs and just swap my old Sata 2 SSDs/HDDs from my X7200, into the Sager NP9570 / Clevo P570WM. Same thing with the RAM. Even though I only have 3x8GB sticks of 1333MHz, I figured it should be fine for now. Below is a setup I'm looking at. Any advice? Which is the prefered boutique? Right now I'm looking at LPC-Digital, as Larry is a great guy and I got my Killer 1103 and Intel SSDs from him. However I wanted to purchase with not HDDs/RAM or OS, but was told by LPC that they can only sell full systems. I'm also looking at Powernotebooks.com as I can get a few more dollars off (from the price below) by paying cash upfront. I am waiting on them to answer whether or not I can order with no H HDD RAM or OS. Also going with the 3930K over the 3970X would save quite a bit, but you know me, I love to go big. Sorry if I jump around a bit, I'm typing this real quick from work before we have to start a mission. Any advice would be appreciated. Powernotebooks.com Sager $50 OFF on orders of $1,350+ Special Promotion - $50 OFF - For Orders of $1,350+ (excluding Rush Order fee, Laser Tattoos, KingsCrypt, External Devices, Taxes and Shipping charges.) $-50.00 17.3" Full HD (1920x1080) 120Hz 72% NTSC Color Gamut Matte LED-Backlit Display (Model LP173WF2 (TP)(B1)) Dual nVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 256bit w/4.0GB GDDR5 in SLi $950.00 Intel® Core™ i7-3970X Processor (3.5~4.0GHz) Extreme Edition - 15MB Intel SmartCache - 6 Cores-12 Threads $795.00 Sager Thermal Compound Standard 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3/1600 Dual Channel Memory Standard 750GB SATA II 3GB/s 7,200 RPM Hard Drive Standard Combo Dual Layer DVD +/-R/RW CD-R/RW Drive w/Softwares Standard External USB 9-in-1 Memory Card Reader (MMC/RSMMC/MS/MS Pro/MS Duo/SD/Mini‐SD/SDHC/SDXC) Bigfoot Networks Killer Wireless-N 1202 + Bluetooth™ 4.0 Combo Card $50.00 Windows 7 Ultimate - (64-Bit installed - 64 and 32-bit CD included) $205.00 Branding - Sager Logo 1-Year Parts and Shipping plus Lifetime Labor and 24/7 DOMESTIC Toll Free Support (Labor & Support paid by PNB) Standard As Configured: $ 3969.00 3% Cash Discount: $ 119.07 3% Cash Discounted Price: $ 3849.93
  16. Did you get it working on the laptop screen? Nice! Long live the R2! Sent from my Samsung Captivate/JB CM 10.1 via Tapatalk.
  17. Man I miss benching. Getting ready to deploy and won't have the resources to bench like the last time I was over seas. Nor will I get new gear to bench I would buy cpu's, but with an X7200 it's pointless since I'll be competing against desktops . Keep up the good work guys! Sent from my P3113 Galaxy Tab 2, 7" using Tapatalk HD
  18. Lastnights results. 3DMark06: 26917 3DMark Vantage: 30238 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 485M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-980X Processor,CLEVO CO. X7200 score: P30238 3DMarks 3DMark11: 7346 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 485M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-980X Processor,CLEVO CO. X7200 score: P7346 3DMarks wPrime32M: 4.586 sec
  19. Oh yea. To this day, that was the best and most fun chip to OC
  20. Nice! Yea and for a period I had like 7 global points for a dual core CPU. Benched the i5 540M at 4GHz+ Helped since it had hyper threading But since then it's gotten pushed way down the rankings and I only have 1.6 global points lol
  21. Thanks. Been to long and forgot how addicting it is. Thanks for the vbios Good clocks for F@h and a great place to start for benching. I need to bench all the HWBot.org GPU benches for the 485M. I should easily take all the cups for single and dual GPUs in the 485M catagory to add some more hardware/points to the team. The CPU is a beast. Looks like it's putting out numbers comparable to the 2920XM and 3920XM. Granted they are more effcient being 8 threads, but this CPU is still awesome. I'm sure 30K for sandy/ivy CPUs is still pulling a lot of watts. I won't be doing many CPU benches for HWbot with this chip. Each submission would only be worth .1 pts and it's not really worth it. To many desktop 980X benches. Including a wPrime 1024 done in 75 sec at 6.5 GHz
  22. Well I finally took a break from Folding@home to run a few benchmarks. OCed the CPU and GPUs a little. and was able to come up with these results. Not bad for two generations old. Didn't have much time to tweak though, but this is a decent start. Has anyone else benched an X7200? I'd be interested in seeing some more X7200 benches. Vantage: 29046 3DMark11: 7043 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 485M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-980X Processor,CLEVO CO. X7200 score: P7043 3DMarks
  23. Thanks guys. Tried running the update and got a message that no ssd supported Looks like it's because it has the VBM15D1Q firmware. It's all good though. It will be my Gaming SSD. I'll have all my games installed to it. Not like I need to write to it much. Once it's full of games, I'll secure erase, put the gaming image back on it and it's good to go. Since I have images of all my drives, if there is any slow down on it, a seure erase should solve it. Sent from my Samsung Captivate/ICS CM9 via Tapatalk.
  24. Ok so I got an old PM800 Samsung SSD. IT has the pre-TRIM firmware. I was looking at an old post, but it looks like a lot of the tools have been taken down from Brians NBR post. Does anyone have the things I need to flash this drive so I can enable trim? Also if you have the steps it would help a lot too. Thanks guys! Dan
  25. Excellent write up, and nice work! I have to ask though, for all this the system will be tied to the desk, why not just get a desktop? Sent from my Samsung Captivate/ICS CM9 via Tapatalk.
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