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About by_cleiton

  • Birthday 03/18/1992

by_cleiton's Achievements

Curious Beginner

Curious Beginner (1/7)



  1. Hi guys! I have a clevo 7970m with enduro off. So i want to use it in a m17x r3. I need to flash another vbios or it wil be plug and play? Thanks
  2. Thanks so much! I played crysis 3 @900/1250 and it temperature was 78~79 and before was 85. Here is so hot, in Brazil, and I bought a cooler to use under de VGA so I will wait for it. Thanks again! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Hi everyone! I came here to aks for some help. I have a G73jh and a 7970m from clevo, so i want to undervolt it to .975v to avoid all the heat that the card produce. Someone can awnser me if i am able to flash the dell vbios with this voltage and if i will have a post because my g73 need a vbios without enduro to work corectly. And svl7 Could you change my vbios? thank you very much guys and sorry, my english it isnt very good.
  4. I always use icd7 and it works very well! This thermal paste has a very good performance if you apply it in the correct way! Good lucky
  5. You only amble to upgrade using a ati card! I did the mod with the 7970m and its working very well! Good lucky
  6. Hi guys first time here! I have a 7970m in my g73jh and I could change de Voltage after use the gpu tweek 2.3.5 and this is the only that you can active the voltage control! Someone could assert me: I put 1030v in this program but the card can jump .05 intervals? I don't know if it is 1030 but its working! Core 1000 mem 1378 Great work guys! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. I have Dora 2 keys too So if anybody wants Thanks
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