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About lucetius

  • Birthday 06/20/1967

lucetius's Achievements

Curious Beginner

Curious Beginner (1/7)



  1. Hi, New to forum and new owner of P570wm. So far I'm loving this mobil workstation with the exception of the weak bios. I just got mine built up a couple days ago and have been testing it out and have run accross a couple oddities. For starters, I've got two Corsair Force 480 gig drives striped. they are both on the sata 3 ports. My reads are 1/2 of of the writes which is ususally backwards of what you would see. Any thoughts? I've checked drivers/etc but haven't come across anything odd. I've also have an OCZ 256gig drive on the Sata 2 port as my boot drive. It's obviously being throttled. I do a fair amount of video editing and 3D animation while traveling, hence why I built this computer. I'd really like to get the read speed of the raid up to where it should be. thoughts? Thanks Another issue I've run across. I can't seem to get the sub to work with either music or a movie with 5.1 sound. I've adjusted the Realtek interface, the Sound Blaster Console and the THX program. If I disable the THX Speaker option and click on the sub in Speaker Test in Realtek, I hear the sample audio playing. If I disable all the other channels and play either music or a movie with 5.1, I get nothing from the sub. In the sound blaster console under Mixer, I'm pull down all the channels but Sub to see if I can hear anything comming from that channel. There's nothing. Thoughts? Anyone else experiencing this? Thank you Forgot to mention, (not that it should really matter with my two questions above.) I have the 780m video (1) and the 1.02.10 bios as I don't have enought posts yet to get/try Prema's.
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