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About sm0kes

  • Birthday 10/03/1978

sm0kes's Achievements

Curious Beginner

Curious Beginner (1/7)



  1. Thanks for posting. It would be great if something like this was released at a reasonable price point. Sadly, we've seen several announcements like this before (e.g., GUS II), which all never saw the light of day. I really just don't understand Intel and what they get by artificially limiting thunderbolt.
  2. From the few examples posted thus far, it would appear that some of the higher spec'd cards (780Ti, R90X) are getting the majority of their power through the 6+8 pin or 8+8 pin power connections and not from the PCIe slot. More testing would need to be done to really test this theory, as it's unclear what testing was done to determine stability. It may be a case where you haven't pushed the card hard enough to attempt to draw too much power. It may also be vendor implementation-specific. Makes sense why these work and a 750Ti doesn't.
  3. Looks like this might work without having to solder. I guess the real question is, would there be enough room for this inside of the Akitio box with a video card and the lid closed?
  4. I wish I had the soldering / electrical skills to help figure this out. I'm patiently waiting to see if a nice compact and clean solution is possible with this box (e.g., Akitio + 670 Mini/760 ITX + Dell DA-2 brick).
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