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Black screen after installing AMD 7970M

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Hi everyone,

I just got around to installing the 7970m, from a 260m, I got a while back but I get a black screen when I try to boot it up. I can hear the login screen sound but I am unable to see anything. (The card I got looks exactly like this: Alienware AMD HD Dell 7970M 2GB GDDR5 for M15X M17x M18x | eBay)

I've updated my bios to A09 and I did a clean uninstall of my old card drivers. I've asked around and some people have suggested that it's an enduro issue and to blind flash the card's vbios. However, I don't really know what that means.

Anyone have any possible solutions or what I should do?

Thanks a bunch,

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Yeah, wrong vbios. Flash a Dell vbios. You can flash blindly, it's a bit a PITA but it works. Easiest way to do so is if you have USB set to the first boot priority, because booting from USB blindly is almost the most tricky part of the procedure.

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