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Hello dear members .

I had these problems long time ago and ı decide to share how can you fix them .

What is the problem ?
INTEL stopped every support for some products then some INTEL product user saw this problem on their computer . 
Specially some wireless card users and USB 3.0 / 3.1 card users saw this problem , Especially after Windows 10 new version updates .
What are these problems ? : Wireless card disconnecting , USB card disconnecting . Wireless lost connection , can't enable wireless network interface .

I must say .
When every human saw this problem , when they look every guide on internet for solving these problems , they're see these suggestions . even in INTEL support page .
What're these suggestions ? : Lower Channel Frequency , Power Management , Use 20 MHZ , Use 2.4 GHZ channel , Use Microsoft driver .
I discovered these suggestions can't solve anything and ı decide to share on here how can you solve these problems .

How can you solve these problems ?
I discovered when you have these problems your cpu have high temperature or have overvoltage or have thermal warning .
Especially if you're using new version Windows 10 .
Windows 10 can't setting up effective your voltage settings if you're using Intel Speedstep Technology and Intel Turbo Boost . Especially nowadays .
You must to stop overvoltage and thermal warning on your notebook if you want solve these problems .
İf you can do these you will see your wireless card never disconnect and you never lose your wifi connection .

I had these problems long time ago and ı solved like this .
I'm using  5 GHZ wifi channel now and ı didn't see any lose connection .

You can disable Speed Step and turbo boost or you can use Intel XTU. But you must to stop overvoltage and thermal warning for solving these problems , don't forget this warning .

Regards .

Edited by sloas
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