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My laptop is getting hot whenever I plug it into charge

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Dear Friends, 


I have been facing a constant problem of the laptop base getting hot, whenever I plug it in for charge. This has started happening after I recently formatted my device with Windows 10 20H1. I have tried removing the battery and running the device only on AC power. The problem still persist. Has anyone faced this similar kind of issue? If yes please let me know how you have resolved the same?

Thanks a lot.

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Cheers everyone! 

It seems I have been able to solve the issue of my laptop getting heated during charging by myself. I had two options either to downrate the laptop OS to a prevoius version or to follow the steps given here in this post. I was not sure whether the given steps would work for my laptop or not. However they did work and the heating issue is comperatively less. I am not sure if this will last in that case I will have to stop windows update. I will keep you posted about what happens.

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