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Toshiba Tecra A11 BIOS password blocked


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Good morning,


Please help me to solve the problem with BIOS.I bought my laptop via ebay, after the launch it turned out that at the very beginning, to enter the BIOS or load the system, you need to enter a password. Without this, there is literally nothing you can do.
I downloaded the .bin BIOS batch with the help of a programmer, but unfortunately I cannot find out what the password is or delete it. I do not know anything about it at all. Maybe there is someone who could help me read the password or delete it from the BIOS batch so that I can program it again.

Laptop details.
Toschiba Tecra A11-1ED PTSE0E-0644052EN
Motherboard: FHNSY1


BIOS .bin file:



Edited by Bonio
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