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T440p bricked after bios update


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I just bought secondhand Thinkpad T440p (it's my first TP)

and having a problem.


I just downloaded firmware update from lenovo and executed on windows 7.


However, after the update probram restarts T440p, my T440p goes bricked.


(Only power led and one blink on keyboard lights)


I just tried to get info. how to flash by SPI Programmer (CH341A), but I couldn't.


There seems to be any modification on .FL1 file by binary editor.

(I just found info. of E330 - https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/ThinkPad-11e-Windows-13-E-and/E330-BIOS-black-screen/m-p/3391227/highlight/true#M25720)



Can anybody help to flash T440p by SPI Programmer?



Best Regards,

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It looks there's no need to modify the bios file - as size of file is abt. 4 MB.


I will update progress on monday. (CH341A arrives the day)



// other guy dump file is exactly 4MB (4096KB), but FL1 file is over 4MB(4797KB)

- need to be modified.


But I have no idea. waiting for someone help this matter...

Edited by Oakland
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