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ACER E5-553G, E5-523G Request for AMD-V Unlock


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  • Bios Modder
4 hours ago, fhnirob said:

Hello sir I need this file my laptop e5 553g-15xa


Please read carefully the first post of this thread. As first step you need to prepare your file vars.txt

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  • Bios Modder
17 minutes ago, deedeeggg said:

Hi, can you please help with my vars. I couldn't find any information on the internet about what I need to change.


What the laptop model?

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  • Bios Modder
33 minutes ago, deedeeggg said:

It's not really a laptop. I have an igel m340c with an AMD GX-412HC. It says it supports AMD-V, but you can't enable it in the bios

This thread for another laptop model.


2 hours ago, deedeeggg said:

I couldn't find any information on the internet about what I need to change.

Try to read carefully  this info:  https://dbse.de/app.js/document?doc=igel_M340C_bios

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  • 4 months later...
  • Bios Modder
1 hour ago, Aljon said:

Hi Good Morning!


need help to enable the AMD-v of my Acer Aspire E5-553g, can you please give access to the link? 


Thank you!



Ok. Check PM.

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  • 4 months later...
14.08.2017 в 16:11, Клем сказал:


В этой теме вы можете ссылаться на свои запросы по разблокировке AMD-V на ACER E5-553G и таких же ноутбуках с процессорами AMD, например Acer Aspire E15, Acer Aspire E5-523G, Acer Aspire  E1-522, Acer Aspire  E1-420, Асер. . Aspire E5-421, Acer Aspire V5-123 и  т.д. д.   


Теперь мы можем разблокировать  функцию AMD-V для поддержки виртуализации. В общем, этот метод описан в статье по этой ссылке : http://www.geektech.co.nz/how-to-unlock-...enovo-y700
. Для этого способа требуется Windows как система, так как некоторые инструменты работают только в Окне.


Загрузите этот инструмент:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4NHIBM...RtQXM/view
Распакуйте архив H2OUVE.rar прямо на рабочий стол и скопируйте папку H2OUVE прямо на диск C:\.

Затем запустите командный код от имени администратора  и выполните следующие команды:

CD \


компакт-диск   H2OUVE


H2OUVE.exe -gv   vars.txt 

После каждой команды нажимайте кнопку Enter .

После этого у вас создается файл « vars.txt » в почтовом ящике H2OUVE .
Разместите здесь этот файл " vars.txt " или загрузите его на любой сервер  и пришлите мне ссылку.

Для справки, вот EFI-таблица с доступными настройками для этого ноутбука: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4NHIB...WI4LW14bE0
Вот настройка, которую необходимо изменить:
0x1C40B Настройка: поддержка SVM, Переменная: 0xEE { 05 91 54 02 55 02 54 00 34 12 EE 00 00 10 00 01 00}
0x1C41C OPSHIN а, зnaчeniee:
0x1 {09 0 7 28 00 00 00 01}

Ввожу, чтобы написать Не удалось получить данные BIOS и переменную информацию, пробовал много раз

I enter me to write Failed to get BIOS data and variable information, tried many times

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  • Bios Modder
8 minutes ago, ladwize said:

Ввожу, чтобы написать Не удалось получить данные BIOS и переменную информацию, пробовал много раз

I enter me to write Failed to get BIOS data and variable information, tried many times


What the laptop model? What the Windows version?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Klem, I don’t understand how to edit the file correctly, if it’s not difficult, please help. My system is Windows 10 22h2 and an acer aspire e1 522 laptop, an AMD A4-5000 1.5 GHz processor, which in the leomoon application said that there is virtualization but it cannot be enabled. Therefore, here is my vars.txt I checked my bios and it's insyde 20


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  • Bios Modder
24 minutes ago, FriderSTT said:
Hi Klem, I don’t understand how to edit the file correctly, if it’s not difficult, please help. My system is Windows 10 22h2 and an acer aspire e1 522 laptop, an AMD A4-5000 1.5 GHz processor, which in the leomoon application said that there is virtualization but it cannot be enabled. Therefore, here is my vars.txt I checked my bios and it's insyde 20

vars.7z 5.2 kB · 1 download


Ok. Check PM.

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  • 3 months later...
  • Bios Modder
10 minutes ago, guest73867Hp said:

1. Aspire 5315

2. Yes

and what should i replace with in the setup?

This thread only for:  requests for AMD-V unlock on ACER E5-553G and same laptops with AMD CPU's, for example Acer Aspire E15, Acer Aspire E5-523G, Acer Aspire E1-522, Acer Aspire E1-420, Acer Aspire E5-421, Acer Aspire V5-123.


But you can create a new thread for your laptop model.

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  • 2 months later...
  • Bios Modder
5 hours ago, Iikj said:

C:\Users\admin\Videos\Captures>H2OUVE.exe -gv vars.txt
Now parsing Variable Information.
Failed to get bios data!
Fail to get Variable Information.

another way?


What the laptop model?

What the Windows version?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Klem,


I've done this before, but I had a Windows partition at the time. It's currently a Linux-only box, which has a UEFI interface, https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Unified_Extensible_Firmware_Interface


I'm looking into trying to do this with these tools. I have both my original vars.txt and the one I modified. Have you heard of anyone doing this?



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  • Bios Modder
1 hour ago, Cash said:

Hi Klem,


I've done this before, but I had a Windows partition at the time. It's currently a Linux-only box, which has a UEFI interface, https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Unified_Extensible_Firmware_Interface


I'm looking into trying to do this with these tools. I have both my original vars.txt and the one I modified. Have you heard of anyone doing this?




In your case, you can try to use the same method as described in this place:


Using H2OUVE on Linux

1. Unzip BIOS-Tools ZIP file and copy the following to the USB stick:

  • Insyde UEFI Variable Editor folder InsydeH2OUVE_x86_LINUX64_* (BIOS-Tools → H2OUVE (UEFI Variable Editor) → Linux → X64 → InsydeH2OUVE_x86_LINUX64_*)
  • Copy appropriate BIOS file for your TQ module
    |--- InsydeH2OUVE_x86_LINUX64_*
    |--  TQMxE38C_5.4.48.0025.02_X64.bin

2. Insert the prepared USB Stick to a Starterkit USB port
3. Boot up the system and open terminal
4. Switch path to the InsydeH2OUVE_x86_LINUX64_* folder
5.Extract package tar -xvf InsydeH2OUVE_x86_LINUX64_portable_.tar.bz2
6. Install H2OUVE Tool sudo dpkg -i InsydeH2OUVE_x86_LINUX64_*.deb

  • If errors occur during driver installation, build driver manually:
$ cd /var/local/insyde/H2OUVE/driver/
$ sudo -E make
$ sudo -E make install
$ sudo apt-get install

7. Run following generic commands shows how to start the BIOS Update for TQMx86 modules.

Print out help message:
$ sudo h2ouve-lx64 -h

Print out BIOS supported functionalities:
$ sudo h2ouve-lx64 -fea

Remove a variable by name:
$ sudo h2ouve-lx64 -re -vn SioTqmx86Setup00

Dump variable information to a variable record file:
$ sudo h2ouve-lx64 -gv testfile

Update variables from specified variable record file:
$ sudo h2ouve-lx64 -sv testfile
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  • Bios Modder
3 hours ago, Cash said:

Hi Klem,


I've done this before, but I had a Windows partition at the time. It's currently a Linux-only box, which has a UEFI interface, https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Unified_Extensible_Firmware_Interface


I'm looking into trying to do this with these tools. I have both my original vars.txt and the one I modified. Have you heard of anyone doing this?



Also you can read some interested information in this place: https://patents.google.com/patent/CN107220057A/en


H2OUVE for Linux:  https://www.sendspace.com/file/apdnsy



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