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G73jh + 920XM OC question

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Hi ,


I have two question for people who own (or owned) a G73jh with 920XM mod.


- If you put the 920XM beyond the limits (Freq OR Wattage) do/did you get a BSOD or "instant motherboard shutdown" ?

(I get instant shutdown if I exceed 65W, running P95)


- Did someone tryed this mod from a i5-430m config and/or a brown motherboard ?


Thanx !

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  • 3 months later...

Hi friend, I own 940xm and for your best performance you must use throttlestop program. Best version is 5.00. As member TnF from here....http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ultimate-asus-g73jh-cpu-gpu-upgrade-guide-hybrid-heatsink-mod-soldering-desoldering-heatpipes-lapping-guide-more.763001/

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Hi jurom !


Thank you for the answer, I catch the issue !

As I was thinking, the i5 MB version is less power capable.

If you look at the MB componant, it lack 5 VRMS around the CPU....

So I have to buy a i7 motherboard to clock the 920xm at 3,2Ghz !


Thank you anyway.

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Hi, no problem my friend. I was doing my CPU/GPU upgrade in december last year. I had i3 350m processor then. I bought i7 940xm on www.aliexpress.com half year back. I dont have to buy i7 motherboard to asus g73jh. You try set up your g73 by Throttlestop program as TnF. I have now 240W Dell origin power supply. By my wattmeter connected to my G73 and electric site every running game waste 150 -170W/Hour without charging battery. The key is by me in optimal setting of TDP/TDC and best VGA Clevo bios. Please read post down from my friend TnF.


Do not buy these cheap PSU's. Buy at least genuine and make sure it is made by DELTA like the one i bought from this seller here: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-GENUI...-PA-9E-0U896K-0Y044M-ALIENWARE-/172243475868? 
This one is 240W and you will reach the limit if you overclock both the GPU and the XM cpu (same of what i've been running). If i put full load on both, even with the gpu undervolted which actually saves some power you reach the 240W limit and the PSU will shut down (happens but very rarely). Ideally you would want to go with an even bigger psu (i believe there is a 300w or so made for alienware laptops - just search). Personally i am running the gpu undervolted which makes a lot less heat but limits your max stable overclock. I am running 915mhz/1265mhz and this is really really stable - 6 hours straight gaming. It is also enough to allow you to run MGSV MGO, 60fps 1080p almost all on ultra without reaching full load on the gpu, and gpu temp stays under 80oC and it is 30-35oC ambient temp here in my room. That cpu though needs a better cooling upgrade though than what i even made since at full load overclocked it thermal throttles a lot (reaches 100oC). I've attached you the vbios i am using (undervolted one)

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All temps - CPU and GPU is fine and stable. BUT in overclocking GPU in game as DOOM is a big problem. CPU starting throttle and GPU rise 88 - 90 °C and my laptop is going off at the moment. I mean that it is voltage and overheating issue. New bios on 0.975V to 1.05V will be very helpfully for me. 

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  • 5 months later...

My overheating and overvolting problems are completly solved :). I have in my NB CPU TURBO FEATURE only active (FSB = 142,3 MHz), so no overclocking and throttling CPU and next else undervolting GPU VGA 7970M working on 0,8 V - 0,975 V max. I have OC GPU only and I say ONLY just a little on 927 core/1200 memory :P. No existing problems till :D.

Edited by MaIsNeR
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