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  1. Easy Budget eGPU for OSX My objective for this build was to make a plug-and-play eGPU that was cheaper than a console and suitable for casual 1080p eSport gaming. Sadly, this wasn't quite plug and play and with a total project cost of ~$350 after extended store warrantees and rebates the 'cheaper than a console' objective is only true if you include console accessories or look at the release pricing. Still, I have a working eGPU that can play Paladins on at least medium settings at 1080p that didn't require any power supply modifications. Hardware > AKiTiO Thunder2 > This 5.5mm x 2.5mm 108W DC adaptor (anything 90-120W should work) > A Gigabyte RX 460 Windforce 2GB Tools > Philips screw driver > Wire Cutters Software > MacOS 10.12.2 > Terminal Known Issues > An external display is required for acceleration, but if the display is connected before the GPU is recognized the macOS will crash during startup. > If FileVault is on then system startup will occur after log in, which prevents one from using the external display to log in. > If FileVault is on then the computer may crash if the display goes to sleep. Hardware Installation My 7.5" GPU was within a half-inch of being a simple drop-in. Making it fit required removing the enclosure fan, which I then screwed back into the same orientation the the other side of the ventilation cutout. That required some physical effort since the fan holes on that side were not pre-threaded for the screws, but it wasn't much harder than driving a screw into wood. (I skipped the 4th inside corner screw since the board was in the way). The wire cutter was used to carefully snip the zip-tie holding the fan/LED wire bundle. I would have skipped reinstalling the fan except I couldn't get the fan connector to disconnect and didn't want to cut any actual wires. The power adaptor was a simple swap in. No wiring modifications required. The plug sticks out a little but otherwise it just plugged right in. Kext Mods > Step 0: Have a backup. > Step 1: Disable SIP. > Step 2: Use an editor, PlistBuddy, or a script to add IOPCITunnelCompatible to the AMDRadeonX4100 and AMD9500Controller kexts. The former is required for the RX 460 to be recognized in the AKiTiO enclosure, the latter to enable acceleration. AMDSupport.kext might also need to be updated. >> I used a combination of modified scripts and vi while learning my way around the kexts, but copy/pasting PlistBuddy commands is the simplest explanation. (Exact sequence not verified. I'll confirm when 10.12.2 comes out of beta and I have to remod the kexts) sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :IOKitPersonalities:AMDBaffinGraphicsAccelerator:IOPCITunnelCompatible bool true" /System/Library/Extensions/AMDRadeonX4100.kext/Contents/Info.plist 2>/dev/null sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :IOKitPersonalities:Controller:IOPCITunnelCompatible bool true" /System/Library/Extensions/AMD9500Controller.kext/Contents/Info.plist 2>/dev/null sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :IOKitPersonalities:ATI\ Support:IOPCITunnelCompatible bool true" /System/Library/Extensions/AMDSupport.kext/Contents/Info.plist 2>/dev/null sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions >> Alternatively modify one of @goalque's scripts. This script can be used as-is if your hard drive is named "Macintosh HD" and the famous automate-eGPU script can be used with the RX460 if all AMDRadeonX4000 references are replaced with AMDRadeonX4100. (But note that the renaming will break the script for eGPUs use with older x4000 Radeon cards) > Step 3: Restart with the eGPU (but not the external display) plugged in. > Step 4: Plug in the external display and set the external display as primary by going to [System Preferences]->Displays->Arrangement, deselecting mirroring, and dragging the white bar from the internal display outline to the external. And now, Heaven Benchmarks for Internal_HD_6000, Internal_RX460, External_RX460 Alternative GPU choices: The GTX-750 ti (not the SC) and Mini-GTX-950 where the other two cards that caught my eye when looking for <75W options. However I decided I wanted something newer than the 750 and the 950 mini was too pricy for my budget. No promises that either would actually work, but they might be worth looking into if anyone had a strong preference for Nvidea on OSX mixed with a strong aversion to power supply splitters or wiring converters.
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