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Found 5 results

  1. Hey guys, first post, but I thought I’d discuss my heatsink fan retrofit in my old M14x r1. Old fan was loud and not very efficient: the air transfer rate was around 2 cfm (I’m assuming cubic feet per minute). Finally had enough and decided to swap out the crappy r1 fan/coughing pinwheel for a r2 fan (rated at 10.4cfm). I found an old r2 heat sink on eBay (beware though that the heat sink for the r2 will NOT fit the gpu/cpu configuration for the r1. HOWEVER, the fan of the r2 heat sink it is attached to is a carbon copy fit into the r1 MoBo. A few philips head screws and a seal of good electric tape and BAM, you’ve got a significantly cooler and MUCH quieter intake fan in your old R1. My CPU temps from before were around 87-88 max load in FSX, 65 for the GPU; bear in mind this is after a repaste. Now with the new fan, I’m not going over 77 degrees on the CPU, and the gpu stays around 58, all while being MUCH quiter. I’ll post pics of the walkthrough if anyone is interested. Just thought I’d share with all you fellow loonies trying to squeeze every last frame and degree out of our “portable toaster ovens with a screen and keyboard”.
  2. Hello, I'm looking for working motherboard MS-16F31 VER. 1.0 but I'dont know why all they are with hdd controller MS16F3C. My mb have MS16F3b and cannot find them anywhere why ?. It's possible to change mb with MS16F3b controller and use another with MS16F3C ? Anyone had some problems with this mobo I alsoi interested if its some better and compatible replacement than this mb ?
  3. I sent my laptop (MSI GT60-0ND) to check up and the video card was confirmed dead, I learned that I can upgrade my GPU, but I can't take a step without any help. Many told me its risky and the market is tight. http://www.compeve.com/video-cards/mobile/pny-nvidia-geforce-gtx-680m-2gb-mxm-video-card-89v00664-m ^I found this card, GTX 680M, and it looks absolutely the same one as (GTX 675M) and the slot is compatible, however due to reviews, the 680M is way faster than my previous one, if that poses any threat. If someone can check it for me and tell me whether its good or not, I'd appreciate it.
  4. Hi everyone, I'm in quite the pickle at the moment. My GPU nvidia GTX 570m has finally given up after 4 long years of use. I have tried new thermal paste, as well as the oven baking method but to no avail. I have been searching around the internet hoping to find a replacement, but unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any used ones around ebay or any used market places. My only solution seems to be: find a compatible card, or buy a new laptop. I'm not in a good financial position right now to purchase a new laptop so a used one seems to be the only option. I am looking for something to just plug and play. I do not have experience nor access to tools to modify a heatsink in any way. I could possibly flash the BIOS, but as I mentioned earlier my GPU is dead and all I have is a black screen. I'm not sure if I can access the bios without a GPU. AFAIK, there is no integrated gpu in my laptop. There's also information about buying the correct card... I.E Clevo, Dell etc. There is only so much information I can process and interpret based off user's experiences. I'm not looking for a top of the line card, just something comparable to the 570m. What do you guys suggest? I would like to stay under CAD $300 with shipping and/or possibly a modded heatsink if I need one. Thank you in advance
  5. Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone here would have a picture or a schematic drawing of the mobo. I am needing to replace the bios chip on my laptop however base on my research there are two bios chips on the board.
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