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Found 4 results

  1. Okay here is what's going. I have a alienware m18x r1 running an amd 8970m, I wanted to upgrade it to crossfire but I could see a 8970m was more expensive than a r9 m290x So I decided to buy a r9 m290x and see if I could make it work in my alienware and also run crossfire. Even though many shops refused to sell me one because the didn't think it would work in an alienware m18x r1 only in the r2. Here is the whole process. 19/08/17 23:15 No post bios showing when booting, so impossible to enter bios menu, but can boot into windows 10 with no problems. 19/08/17 23:20 Because I haven't deleted the old AMD 8970m the r9 m290x shows as a 8970m with no problems. 19/08/17 23:34 First performance test was a success. The r9 m290x changed p-state normally. The gpu fan start spinning normally. But because of no thermal paste, the test lasted 20 seconds because the temperature raised fast. 20/08/17 00:00 Created a backup of the vbios version 20/08/17 00:10 Flashed a new clevo vbios version Caused the card to be corrupted and resulted the 8 beep code. 20/08/17 00:35 Finally managed to flash the back and return the graphics card to its original state. 20/08/17 00:50 Flashed a new dell vbios version No change in behavior 20/08/17 01:07 After trying multiple vbios with no luck I finally found one. Dell vbios Version Brings back the post bios screen and I can now enter the bios menu through the r9 m290x. Note: This vbios reduce the cards performance from 900 mhz to 850 mhz 20/08/17 01:21 After more testing I found one that is working with no limits. Clevo vbios version Brings back the post bios screen and I can now enter the bios menu through the r9 m290x. This will be the vbios I will keep at the moment. 20/08/17 01:56 I completely uninstalled the previous driver and installed the newest driver. The graphics card is recognized as a 8970m but works normal. 21/08/17 20:15 I have inserted my old 8970m in the secondary slot and will start testing crossfire. 21/08/17 21:45 I have found out that the fan for the secondary fan did not spin. The is a cable that have felt out. I will fix it now. 21/08/17 22:00 In my try to test crossfire compatibility, I installed the newest AMD driver 17.7.2 but as soon it installed the driver for the secondary card it caused black screen. Only booting the computer in safe mode brings the screen back. 21/08/17 23:02 After many frustrating hours I finally managed to get crossfire working with the r9 m290x as the primary card and my old 8970m as the secondary. I have flashed the same vbios on both cards so the r9 m290x shows up I device manager as a 8970m. I first installed AMD driver version 16.2.1 Then installed AMD driver version 16.6.1 in order to play battlefield 21/08/17 23:20 First test run in battlefield 1 21/08/17 23:40 Battlefield 1 is flickering bad, this can maybe be solved with a new patch or driver. Other games I have tried is working perfect with crossfire on. Now what I would like to try is somehow force the r9 m290x driver to be installed and see if it will make it possible to run the latest AMD driver without getting a blackscreen. I have tried to edit the .inf file like you would do with nvidia but no luck. I have also tried to figure out how to edit the device id in the vbios, but I find it too complex.
  2. Hi,I just got a Dell r9 m290x card for my m17x r3. I'm using the stock A12 BIOS. Had PEG set in the BIOS and on boot had a black screen. I cleared CMOS, most likely reverted back to SG and on boot had a black screen with 8 beeps.I've seen people on here report that it is working for them. Do I need to use a different vBIOS? Or maybe the unlocked A12 BIOS with some settings changed?Any help would be appreciated Thanks.
  3. Hello everyone, I've recently bought an Alienware 17 secondhand. Being the tinkerer I am the first thing I though of was getting an unlocked/custom bios. While flashing the mod I saw Svl7's name, someone I used a custom bios from in the past for my clevo p170em, which worked flawlessly and I was really happy with. Now the bad parts starts and I'm starting to panic a bit. The readme from the moderator described two flashing methods, the first one to use a DOS usb and run flash.bat. I tried about 10 times but I always got error 28, which he said I had to ignore and try method 2. Method 2 was to rename the bios file to VAS00X64.FD, VAS00X64.bin, VAS00X64.rom, put them on a fat 32 usb, disconnect battery and AC from the laptop, hold the end key, connect AC and press the power button then wait for a beep and release the end button. Here is where it first started going wrong, I held the end button for 15 minutes but I heard no beep. I tried a second time, same thing. Then I tried starting the laptop, it gave me a black screen with 2 grey lines in and it beeped 8 times. I searched a bit online and this is supposed to be a display issue? How can a display issue occur after a bios flash? I've come to this forum like I did with my clevo p170em in the hopes I'll get a reply and a fix, I've had a good experience with Svl7's mod before. I hope someone can help me and thanks a lot in advance. EDIT: I've tried several things so far, reset CMOS, tried to recovery flash stock a14 bios, took out gpu, took out display and nothing of these worked. However, there seems to be a second connector to plug in LVDS cable, right above the one where the original was plugged in. When I insert the LVDS cable into the second connector, I get no more beeps but display also doesn't turn on. When I connect an external monitor through hdmi, the external monitor turns on, flashes for one second and the laptop restarts. Any ideas? EDIT 2: I somehow managed to get screen. When I inserted my gpu again, with the LVDS cable into the EDP port and an external display, I get screen on my external monitor and I can use my laptop as normal again. I flashed original stock bios. So how do I fix my laptop screen now? I narrowed it down a bit. I put LVDS cable in original port and I looked into bios and it said Integrated GPU: (none detected) which was very strange to me, I have never disabled it before. So after booting into OS I looked into device manager and HD 4600 was missing. It was just gone. So I pressed FN + F5, it asked me if I wanted to enable integrated gpu, I said yes and laptop restarted. Then it was the same issue again, black screen (backlight does turn on) with 2 grey lines. So any ideas? How do i re-enable HD 4600?
  4. HI everyone. Do someone got solution for GPU fan in M17x r3 after R9 m290x upgrade ??? i use HWinfo but will be nice if someone help me how solve this problem. I know this its old topic but when i try find somethings about this i got nothing. Thank you
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