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Found 4 results

  1. Hello Everyone! I am lucky owner of best! Clevo P150sm model. I buy them witchout gpu and mount my Nvidia GTX 880m 8gb mxm card, but I have a little problem :-( My spec: P150sm - Win 10 64-bit I7-4710mq 8gb ddr3 1866mhz Prema Bios (v2 for P150sm) ssd m-sata I am flashed GPU to unlocked vBios - 80.04.F8.001D In BIOS gpu detect at ,,NV GTX880m,, but in system (Device Manager) says: Microsoft Basic Display Adapter (witch yellow warning triangle) I'm downloaded new drivers for Nvidia website (376.33 - win10 64-bit) but I have these message: Nvidia Installer cannot continue ........ I'm reading about DEVICE ID, so I am apply these instruction: http://null-bin.blogspot.com/2015/08/how-to-modify-nvidia-notebook-driver.html My device ID show: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1198&SUBSYS_51061558&REV_A1 So, In nvciv.inf i have: %NVIDIA_DEV.1198.0377.1558% = Section030, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1198&SUBSYS_03771558 %NVIDIA_DEV.1198.5281.1558% = Section032, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1198&SUBSYS_52811558 so, I add these lines: %NVIDIA_DEV.1198.0377.1558% = Section030, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1198&SUBSYS_03771558 %NVIDIA_DEV.1198.5106.1558% = Section031, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1198&SUBSYS_51061558 %NVIDIA_DEV.1198.5281.1558% = Section032, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1198&SUBSYS_52811558 and NVIDIA_DEV.1198.5106.1558 = "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 880M" But I still has a error message and can't instal any drivers :-( Please, someone, help me! (sorry for my English)
  2. Hi, I updated the BIOS from Clevo P177SM-A to the latest Version (first EC to 1.03.09, then BIOS to 1.03.11) Source: P15xSM-A/P17xSM-A Series After the update, the backlight from my keyboard and the light from the power button keeps off. Then I installed the latest PremaMod BIOS, but the light keeps off. Could anyone help me to fix this. thx witti
  3. Morning all, First post . I have a Clevo P150SMA, it's about 6 months old now. Luckily I have some really nice temps at the moment:- CPU/GPU never seem to go above 60c. So I though let's overclock! I have flashed prema mod BIOS and now have no idea what to do next to overclock. I'm used to overclocking on AMD desktop machines but not Intel/nVidia laptops . I normally dual boot linux/windows, linux is my main OS and windows I use for gaming so I would prefer BIOS overclock, although for GPU this is not that important. MSI Afterburner does not allow me to overclock. So I far I believe the best thing to do is flash a vBIOS for the GPU to allow overclocking in afterburner and overclock the CPU in BIOS. My question is how do I overclock the CPU in BIOS and any other advice. A guide to prema mod BIOS overclocking would be great but I can't find anything.
  4. Morning all, First post . I have a Clevo P150SMA, it's about 6 months old now. Luckily I have some really nice temps at the moment:- CPU/GPU never seem to go above 60c. So I though let's overclock! I have flashed prema mod BIOS and now have no idea what to do next to overclock. I'm used to overclocking on AMD desktop machines but not Intel/nVidia laptops . I normally dual boot linux/windows, linux is my main OS and windows I use for gaming so I would prefer BIOS overclock, although for GPU this is not that important. MSI Afterburner does not allow me to overclock. So I far I believe the best thing to do is flash a vBIOS for the GPU to allow overclocking in afterburner (windows only but that is fine for GPU) and overclock the CPU in BIOS. My question is how do I overclock the CPU in BIOS, is the above the best thing to do and any other advice. A guide to prema mod BIOS overclocking would be great but I can't find anything. Thank you all.
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