Hi guys, So with the help of svl7, I got my GTX770m successfully working in my MS16f2. Now, I'm experiencing a strange problem on two video-games specifically: Company of Heroes and Garry's Mod 13. I do not believe this is a hardware problem, because other games run fine. In these games, I am experiencing poor framerates (10-15 fps) because my GPU just isn't doing any work. With EVGA precision X, I monitor GPU load in game only to see that it floats around 5-15%. On other games such as World of Tanks, GPU usage floats around 80% and the game runs optimally. My CPU and Ram are not bottle-necking my system either, as they are functioning at normal load levels when the game is running. I have tried to adjust power settings to maximize performance and even overclock the GPU. It simply is not processing video, as if the game wasn't running at all. Does any one have an idea as to what is wrong? Thanks,