Hi guys, I've gotten myself into a sort of funky pickle: I have installed a GTX770m in my MS-16F2 to replace the now antiquated GTX560m. After some heatsink modification on the mill and new thermal strips, the card went in quite easily. Now, my problem is that Nvidia's software, nor GPUz or any other install-able software will recognize the card. Nearly everything recognizes my display adapter as "Standard VGA adapter". However, when running Nvidia autodetect on my machine, it does detect the GTX770m. Additionally, I backed up the existing vBios on the card and the display adapter was recognized correctly, so I know its not just a matter of having a dead card. I already tried flashing my computer's bios with a newer and unlocked version. The flash was successful, but the video card situation hasn't changed. Does anyone have a version of the GTX770m vBios, or even better, and MSI specific copy? Any help in solving this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thanks gents