I bought this thingy-mabob so I can try an egpu build. It's an Sonnet Echo Pro Adapter. what it does is it able to connect to expresscard devices over thunderbolt. I bought the Pe4c (which is the thing to put your gpu at) and I put in an old gt 640 (yes it works). I crossed my fingers AND I prayed but all this shit does is make the fans spin at like 1000rpm (I got a nice little personal fan now). I tried updating BIOS and disabling dGPU I even fresh installed my computer (goodbye porn ) Anyway, I wanted to do this because in the long run, it would have saved me money instead of buying a new computer. All I would have needed to do was buy a new gpu and BAM! 4K gaming. But if anyone wanna help my sorry ass, please do so. I wanna play BF1 but 4 year old gpu is crap. Please anyone with knowledge of this subject or maybe even the legendary Nando4 can help. Thanks.