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Found 5 results

  1. Hello all! I have been researching upgrade paths for my M17x R4 and I have decided on the GTX 1060. Now, I was given this laptop with a dead GPU, and I had an M17x R3 already. So I moved the GTX 560m into the R4 which has worked fine. Now as I understand it a few things are needed for this upgrade including the 120hz panel and the ability to disable the legacy ROM for a pure UEFI boot. I have the 120hz screen, but the 560m uses the GF116 architecture which does not have a vBIOS which supports GOP. So I am thinking the only solution is to buy a cheaper "in-between" card which supports both boot modes, which will allow me to disable the legacy option in setup. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what cheap card to buy as a transitional part? I have been considering a 765m but I am also wondering if there are any other good choices.
  2. Hello. I'm currently running windows 10 on bios version 1.00 and want to upgrade to 1.03 but cannot boot Ms dos flash in uefi. There is no option to enable Legacy mode and the option to disable uefi in bios is greed out. When I try booting from flash in bios, it shows black screen and returns back to bios screen. My rig is a p157sm. Any help will be appreciated as I'm looking to install prema bios mod.
  3. I release here today my personal BIOS for the M18x R2. It is based upon svl7's unlocked A11, Swick's mods to A11, and I have changed back the boot images to default Alienware and Intel logos, as well as reverted the atheros LAN oprom back to the default version that does not take up extra boot time. All other modifications done by swick and svl7 remain intact. Copy files from zip to root of usb in a usb-dos environment, run flash.bat. Simple. Tested by me on two of my M18x R2 systems, works without issue. I take no responsibility if you brick your system, flash at your own risk. Only thing left to do is to somehow enable 2133 for sandy bridge CPU in M18x R2 motherboard. Remember, give thanks to svl7 and swick for their initial work on this. I release this freely to the public, nobody should pay for this. Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5dGmVHDQ7iuNERzYkMwMW1RMDQ/view?usp=sharing
  4. Hi guys. As with the title, is there any way to get a m17x r3 to use UEFI or is this just a pipe dream? I read over the internet that this requires Dell company itself to refactor the BIOS and release it to the public. Well if that's the case many believe it would be easier to land a man on Mars then to get Dell's help on this issue. Does the hardware itself plays a roll in updating to UEFI ? Well if the motherboard itself doesn't support UEFI and its more of a hardware limitation rather than a software, please let me know and I'll let this dream go, once and for all. Well if not, does anyone else knows of any other way to get a m17x r3 to UEFI-capable ? Imagine fast-booting into win10 and more importantly, a chance to get a 980M working in a m17x r3. (from my understanding 880M is as far as the m17x r3 can go as the 980M requires UEFI-capabilities) I know my laptop is approaching 7 years old and by now most m17xr3 are phrased out but i still believe there are some owners out there still kicking about with their madly modded-out r3s (like me). Thanks for the read
  5. What's the difference in both working eGPU setup on UEFI or Legacy? I tried both and UEFI seem to be plug and play instead on Legacy I needed to do some workaround to make my eGPU working , but there's any other difference? Are performance the same? Do Legacy work with all lastest GPUs?
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