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Found 5 results

  1. Specs: Windows 7 Lenovo w510 12 g ddr3 ram intel i7 Q720 @1.6ghz discreet card: Nvidia Quadro Fx 880M egpu setup: GTx 960 card hooked up via exp-gdc v8 dock via pci express card Using dell 220w psu (12v, 18Amp) Using an external monitor hooked to 960 via hdmi The Problem: Drivers successfully installed, device manager shows GTX 960 and shows it functioning properly. However, no external monitor can be detected. Aditionally, when installing the 960 drivers, it broke the 880M (shows up as error code 43 in device manager iirc). So currently I'm stuck with crappy display on the internal monitor (internal graphics? even though I don't have intel integrated graphics..) and no external monitor detected. I read in the FAQ section that trying to get a dgpu and egpu from nvidia to work is about getting them to run on the same drivers, but it was not clear at all about how to go about doing that. Plus the cards are so far apart in age I'm not sure how to even begin to go about trying to find a drive that will run both. What I have done so far: Disabled pci power managment, this allowed the egpu to be sucessfully detected. Showed up in device manager as "generic vga device" or something like that. Downloaded and installed appropriate nvidia drivers for 960, restarted computer. Computer running on crappy internal(?) graphics card (cant even display full screen resolution) , error for dgpu in device manager (error only goes away after uninstalling 960 drivers and reinstalling dgpu drivers), 960 shown as working fine. Disabled dgpu in device manager (I don't have the option to in the bios for some strange reason, screen shot attached), restarted. Upon restart device manager shows 960 working fine, however, no external monitor detected and computer internal dsiplay still running on crappy internal(?) graphics card (cant even display full screen resolution). Any help would be much appreciated. I feel like I should be pretty close since the egpu was detected and is shown as running ok in the device manager...
  2. I have a Akitio Thunder3 Box, a Dell DA-2 PSU, and a GTX960 connected to my Lenovo P50 laptop via TB3. I hooked up my 4k TV to the 960 and it will not output 4k even though it would when it was in my desktop hooked up to the same screen. Windows thinks it's outputting video and audio to the tv but it's not getting there. I also can't get applications to use the card instead of the iGPU without having an external screen attached and running apps on that screen. I think I'm doing something wrong but I'm not sure what.
  3. As the title suggests, I'm having problems making my eGPU (EXP GDC v.8 mPCIe + ASUS GTX960 Turbo OC 2GB) work with the internal display of my laptop (ASUS K56CB, i5-3317U, Gt740M 2Gb discrete gpu, running Windows 10 64-bit in UEFI mode). Done some modifications to the drivers and all that already, the gpu works fine with an external monitor connected via HDMI, however when I try to launch Nvidia control panel while using laptop's display, it says that "You are not currently using a display attached to an NVIDIA GPU", hence my problem. Drivers i tried were all older than 372.70. Also, a curious detail i noticed, none of the driver's nvami.inf files contain any listing of GTX960, at all, even though it's supposed to be there as far as I know. I'm probably Any help sorting this out is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. All changes were made to the notebook version of the driver 372.54. My hardware ID is: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1401&SUBSYS_15871043. In [NVIDIA_Devices.NTamd64.10.0]: %NVIDIA_DEV.1401.1587.1043% = Section196, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1401&SUBSYS_15871043 In [Strings]: NVIDIA_DEV.1401.1587.1043 = "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960"
  4. So I wasn't really sure where to post this (there are probably several sections that would be appropriate) but since it has to deal with the fact that I'm running an e-gpu on a Macintosh I posted it here. Anyways.... So let me start off by stating my setup and specs. I have a 2011 Mac mini server + i7 quadcore 2GHz + 16gb ram + Fusion Drive (120ssd+1tbhdd) + Windows 10 via bootcamp 90% of the time and I play a lot of games and edit video. (I'm a cinematographer) + 23inch Acer monitor plugged into gpu via hdmi-DVI-d (E)GPU + EVGA Gtx 960 SSC plugged into Akitio Thunder2 Box via THUNDERBOLT 1 (Because of the mac minis age) + The GPU is powered by an EVGA 400 watt psu via an 8pin cable (Psu isn't being used for anything else) So overall I'm pretty impressed with the card's performance because I was running a Gtx 750ti OC before this.......... exxxxxxcept I've seen several videos on youtube of people running my exact same card except just a regular setup without an egpu and it seems like they're getting like 40% better performance. EXAMPLE: Someone is playing Tom Clancy's The Division on "High"/"Ultra" preset and getting about 60fps while I run it on the "Low" preset and I'll get 35-42 fps MAX Am I suffering from THAT much bottlenecking? Is there a way to check how much, if any bottlenecking is happening? ALSO, I successfully modded my bios on my gtx 750ti to allow more power. Would it be beneficial for me to mod the bios on the gtx 960? Would it give me a lot more power/ better performace? Thank you so much in advance! This is my favorite, website/forum by far! EDIT; I have hwinfo running all the time and the mac gpu utilization usually says 98% or 99% but the "Powers" max is usually like 60% or so. I don't know if this helps. Also I use Precesionx 16 and my usual settings are displayed below. I can't go much higher than the settings that are displayed in the screen shot so it's not like I'm not overclocking enough or something...you know?
  5. Hi All, I want to get my eGPU working with my bootcamp partition like it did a few weeks ago but since I re-installed my Mini I don't get it working anymore. Setup: Late 2014 Mac Mini I7 16gig Intel Iris GPU Akitio Thunder 2 with power mod PCI power supply Asus GTX960 GPU OSX El Capitan (working perfectly with the GTX960) Bootcamp Win 10 Pro (Crashing almost every time at startup when Thunderbolt is connected) NEC display with HDMI - DVI cable History: About a month ago I installed win10 for the first time to be able to play some games. Because the GPU performance was a bit poor I bought the Akitio with a Asus GTX960. The installation was no problem and it was running great on win 10. After a while I wanted it to use on OSX also but that didn't work. While trying to get it running I had to change my display DVI plug a lot from the Akitio and the DVI - Thunderbolt adapter. I don't know what happened but at some point my Thunderbolt ports stopped working. I tried every reset method but the ports did not respond anymore. So I brought it to Apple and they repaired it by resetting the Nvram. I thought that was odd because I had done that a few times already. When I tried it at home with my DVI - thunderbolt adapter it still didn't work... But I found a HDMI - DVI cable and with that cable I got my display working without the adapter.At that point the windows 10 partition was already crashing when I plugged the Akitio in so I decided to completely re-install the Mini.The rest is history. The OSX installation works perfectly now with the Akitio and the GTX960 but Windows 10 is crashing all the time at startup when the Akitio is plugged in and powered. When it crashes I do not get a error, its just rebooting and trying to repair itself. Sometimes I get it starting with the Akitio plugged in but I never get to working with my display...Any idea? Can it be something they did at Apple? My DVI - thunderbolt adapter is still not working after all... What I have tried: At this moment I re-installed Bootcamp and Windows 3 times and tried 4 different drivers. 2 from Asus and 2 from Nvidia. (oldest and newest) In between I used the Guru uninstaller to clean the old drivers. I have tried the startup trick (waiting with powering the eGPU until the bootscreen) I did the power mod on the Akitio. Help!
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