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Found 9 results

  1. My setup is Dell E5450 laptop + EXP GDC 8.4d + Dell DA-2, described HERE Having a problem with static discharges: sometimes when I touch keyboard after handling some synthetic clothes, or insert USB flash drives into USB ports, or even plugging headphones 2.5mm jack into the socket - GPU fails (no output to monitor), no way to get it back up, only option is to hard power off the laptop with Power button. All power plugs are grounded (laptop's PSU, DA-2). Has anyone dealt with this problem?
  2. Hi guys, I need some help from you guys if you wouldn't mind. I'm useless Specs:- Samsung RV520 8gb DDR3 I7 2720qm @2.2ghz 1x HDD 500gb 1x HDD 300gb Nvidia GTX 650 Ti BOOST EXP GDC BEAST 8.5c DIY Setup 1.3 DELL 220w PSU After a lot of messing around I have managed to get this egpu to work when downgrading to 2gb, Which makes me think I just need to change my TOLUD to get it to work. I have read and tried to make a successful DSDT file however I don't really know what I'm doing with these driver edits and haven't been able to get it to work particularly the error fixing on compiling the dsdt. However When I did have it working on 2gb ram. I ran heaven Bench, The GTX 650 under load makes strange noises and crashes the display driver multiple times. Could any of you more knowledgeable individuals give me a hand please Thanks
  3. Hello guys, I wanted to give my older laptop a bit of kick. It's a W150ER (XMG A502) laptop with GT 650M. I got the GDC for mPCIe wifi slot, EVGA GTX 1060 and 450W Corsair PSU. But I need some help. 1. With everything wired up, having green LED on GDC device the eGPU wasn't recognized in device manager. eGPU fan was just wiggling in roughly 2s intervals. 2. I tried to hotswap from wifi to GDC as described in troubleshoot post, that made the system load the GTX 1060. Fan got spinning few seconds after swap and then turned off. Now what I got is the code 43 error and fans not spinning at all. Tried several ways that I found to overcome that, including installing older driver. During one of the installation attempts I actually got the external monitor loaded for few second before installation ended with error (still no fan spinning, even though the GTX 1060 got a bit warm). After failing to install the driver, GTX 1060 disappears from Display adapters and is available after restart again with error. Can anyone help me to get it working? What's with the fan? I'm kinda worried about it. Thank you very much!
  4. Hi guys i am new to the forum and i would like to start with a question. I have an iMac late 2013 2.7 no dedicated graphics and i would like to install an egpu. I have seen many of the suggestions you have in the forum but i would like you to tell me your opinion about what i am thinking to do. I want to teardown the imac + buy the exp gdc m.2/ngff edition and connect it on iMacs ssd slot using this adapter. http://eshop.sintech.cn/ngff-m2-pcie-ssd-card-as-2013-2014-2015-macbook-ssd-p-1139.html. 1) Do you think it will work properly? 2) i was thinking to pass the cable through one of the air ventilation holes on the bottom of the iMac. Can anyone that has exp gdc tell me if it will fit? Thank you in advance.
  5. Hi guys, So recently I bought Exp Gdc v8. I have an old HD 6870 which was lying around and I tried eGPU setup with that card and it worked. So then I bought an Saphirre Rx 470 Platinum and tried it with the same method however my laptop stuck at black screen. So I cannot use bios or enter Setup 1.30. Btw my laptop is MSI GE60 0ND. So what might be the problem? Maybe the card is too new for EXP GDC? I don't know...
  6. Hi all, First of all I would like to take a moment and write my history with this experience. Last year I had a Dell Precision M4500 (i7-720QM and nVidia Quadro FX880M) which it had to be my eGPU machine. But using FL Studio alot, the cpu didn't kept the pace so I had to make a change. My research got to my Thinkpad T430 because Ivy Bridge platform can get you up to 90% of peak performance of your eGPU solution. When I had my Dell M4500, I have ordered the EXP GDC V8 Expresscard solution at a pretty fair and decent price (Christmas sales) from Banggood. Shipping to Romania was quite long, almost 2 months. In the meantime bought from a local guy, a Dell DA-2 220W power adapter which I heard it is plug'n'play. After arrival, I found out that I don't have the PCI-E power adapter for the graphic card, in my case a Gigabyte Radeon 6850 OC 1GB. That's the only card I have so, I was aware that I might need a display monitor. After another months of searching, found out on Banggood the holy PCI-E adapter specialy for EXP GDC solution. To be assured , bought 2 cables (just in case ) because the shipping was 1 month and 2 weeks (long, I know!). Well, last night I was dying to fire it up, so I put my Panasonic TV ( don't have a display monitor, lame, I know...) and put all cables and adapters together, the expresscard in T430 and fire it. My specs : i7-3610QM, 16GB HyperX Impact CL9, 1600x900, Intel HD4000 iGPU, Windows 7 64bit. After Windows loaded, my Radeon 6850 was found in Device Manager but I got the famous "Code 12" error. The device cannot start because it does not have enough resources. After 5 minutes of google-ing I found my solution! Solution : Shutdown your T430, put the expresscard in the laptop and the most important thing, DISCONNECT the display monitor from the graphic card. Start you laptop and let Windows load. The magic will happen, your graphic card starts with no errors. After that, install the drivers from AMD website. I have installed the Crimson drivers. Connect the monitor to the graphic card and voila! , you have a fully working eGPU solution on your Thinkpad T430. Still didn't found a solution for the following issue. In device manager, I had the Radeon 6850 and Intel HD 4000. When I started my Steam or Origin games, the main GPU was Intel HD 4000. My quick solution was to disable from device manager, the Intel HD 4000 iGPU. Maybe someone found a solution to install AMD Enduro (Switchable graphics) like Nvidia Optimus? I will post later this day, some pics with my tests. So far I have tested Furmark and i got 35 FPS. Battlefield 3 on ultra setting at 1280x720 (the maximum resolution of my TV) runs flawess. GTA V needs more tweaking. My i7-3610QM cpu got maximum temp of 80 degrees C in games. Edit1 : Here are some pictures of my setup including the docking station (is the 170W version with USB 3.) http://imgur.com/a/DpV6t So, this is all about till now. Thanks for reading!
  7. Has anyone been able to get the exp gdc beast working on the lenovo z580? What about the ones with discreet graphics? Did you have to use setup 1.3 or was it working without it? Theres a thread here about the z580 but it dosen't answer my questions well. I have a lenovo z580 with discreet gt630m. Will the exp gdc beast setup work with mpcie on my laptop? Will I need setup 1.3 or not? Thanks.
  8. Hi everyone. I have a problem and i hope someone can help me. First of all i give u some information about my system: Notebook: MSI GE60 0nd i7 3630qm gtx 660m Samsung ssd ……. Bios: latest custom Bios Version (10F) from Svet (For turning off the dgpu ) OS: Windows 10 64bit Nvidia drive 364.72 External Stuff: Power Supply be quit 530W Nvidia GTX 560 Ti 448 EXP GDC V8.0 with mPCI-E Standard So lets start: My problem is that when i run benchmarks or games. Only the igpu is loading. The egpu stays at 0% My egpu is full recognized by my notebook. I see the name and also the clock oft he egpu. Sometimes when i start the game. the clock from the egpu goes from 741 MHZ to 51 MHZ. I do not why … :-S. I also set the physics process to the egpu and the 3d settings to nvidia high performanceprocessor, but without success. P.S The external display is also not responsing. BR cano
  9. Anyone can help me? I purchased a Beast EXP GDC eGPU dock and now I'm trying to make this work. I'm having problems when I try to Run Compaction, it isn't showing solution for me, images in https://imgur.com/a/ARMaO My setup is Sony Vaio SVS15115FBB Core I7 3520M Intel HD Graphics 4000 Nvidia GT640M 1G 8Gb RAM Beast eGPU EXP GDC v8.3 mPCI-e Please, help me
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