Trying to follow this guide to flash 980 M (SLI CONFIG) but I am getting a mismatch error.
The NVFlash version linked in the tutorial seems outdated - Since its 32 bit and doesn't seem to find my card info - So I used the latest version and had no issue up to:
nvflash -6 vbiosname.rom
at this point I get this:
C:\WINDOWS\system32>c:\nvflash64.exe -i0 -6 c:\flash.rom
NVIDIA Firmware Update Utility (Version 5.353.0)
Simplified Version For OEM Only
Checking for matches between display adapter(s) and image(s)...
Adapter: GeForce GTX 980M (10DE,1617,1558,0871) H:--:NRM S:00,B:01,D:00,F:00
WARNING: None of the firmware image compatible PCI Device ID's
match the PCI Device ID of the adapter.
Adapter PCI Device ID: 1617
Firmware image PCI Device ID: 13D7
WARNING: Firmware image PCI Subsystem ID (10DE.110B)
does not match adapter PCI Subsystem ID (1558.0871).
WARNING: None of the firmware image compatible Board ID's
match the Board ID of the adapter.
Adapter Board ID: E923
Firmware image Board ID: E906
NOTE: Exception caught.
Nothing changed!
ERROR: GPU mismatch
I read up and some say don't try and force it.....Could somebody please tell me what to do at this point?