Unbelievable you reply in 1h, amazing. Thanks Klem the right person in the right thread!!
I'm really grateful for your help, i'm not a noob then i can make what you ask me without problem, i really appreciate that you spending your time helping us.
I want to make things right, then the first question is:
Before start i let you know that my bios version on my N550JK is not the latest, then i ask you is best to update to last version or i stay with my non updated version of the BIOS? ( i think it's best to update but i wait your confirm. I don't think the version makes difference but i don't want have problem beacuse i've updated BIOS to last version, i don t know if there is some lock in overclocking in the lastest bios version)
If you can reply today i will do my homework, post bios link or update bios and post bios link.
I know im in good hands, but if you have time can you tell me wich values you change? you change the core clock and the memory clock only? I've already change this value using afterburner but if i understand modding vbios can result in a big difference, i read that the 850m can became like an 860m?
I work in electronics repair if i can help you in something it s a pleasure for me
Thanks Thanks Thanks