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Posts posted by Humpteny

  1. I'm currently working an office job in a bank. I'm beginning to think that the stress of my position is really getting to me. My partner and I rarely get to go out anymore, I don't see my friends that often and I'm starting to get migraines more often than ever.

    What are some good ways to deal with this?


    Well, stress is a common thing but you can help yourself deal with it. I have learned from different stress management sites that you can practice the following whenever it gets too much to handle...

    - You don't have to be a hero. Let your superior and the people you work with know your limitations. 

    - Ask for assistance. Don't just say yes to everything. There's nothing wrong when you seek for help from your co-workers. There's should always be a teamwork anyway. 

    - Track your stressors. Write in a journal the challenging situations you face and how you handled it.

    - And the most important thing is to TAKE A BREAK. Have time for yourself and your loved ones. Disconnect, just relax and worry about nothing. 




  2. On 6/29/2018 at 2:30 PM, Cailley06 said:

    I've been forgetful about scenarios and important events these days. I hate to know that I'm growing old. But, do you think, that's the main reason why It's difficult for me to remember things? I hope this is normal.  But, thanks to my smartphone that it reminded me that I'm going to attend an important meeting tomorrow.  Nevertheless, have you encountered the same experience? Maybe, my brain is just tired and need to relax? :rofl: What are your thoughts?



    Aging may not be related to your memory problem. You're only preoccupied with so many things, that's what I'm thinking about it.  Relaxation might be the solution.

  3. On 9/17/2016 at 10:00 PM, Brixius said:

    My first PC was a Corona Portable PC, It was based on an 8088, ran at a whopping 4.77 mhz, had 2 floppy drives, 256k of RAM and a monochrome screen, the keyboard tucked away into the cover that went over the face of the PC.  I later upgraded it to 512k of ram by buying 16 dram dips and plugging them in one by one hoping not to bend any pins.



    Wow I never seen like that before. I guess I was not that techy back then.

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