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Curious Beginner

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  1. Can someone who has a brain tell me what prong they used for the dell power supply? All the pictures I saw doesn't show 110v that's compatible with US, nor the adapters they ship which is a 220v Asian standard. I'd appreciate if the admins can help also
  2. @Mr_Western You're insulting me by saying that I don't get to browse Chinese catalogs just b/c I don't speak their language -________- just what is wrong with you? you mad that you couldn't find it cheaper than I could? I noticed you lack some common sense, so let me fill it in for you: $15 more for a power supply in gearbest link? Count me in! Less cable mess, no need to use a clunky PSU when that could be used to run a full system. I can tell you're new, because you're missing the basics. *Sigh* Don't answer my questions, when you don't understand. Better to keep your mouth shut than to confuse more people for no reason. Again, just to emphasize: The "Chinese" link I found COMES with a power supply for $40, meanwhile gearbest shows $70 is Mr_Western working for gearbest selling this specific product? I sense a hell of incompetence and cynicism......... -_-; ADMIN NOTE: LETS KEEP IT CIVIL ELSE INFRACTIONS WILL BE HANDED OUT.
  3. eGPU(comes with power): https://world.taobao.com/item/37107780625.htm?fromSite=main Case(it says it's compatible with v8): https://world.taobao.com/item/40866715753.htm?fromSite=main Are these both legitimate? I just want to make sure I'm buying a v8 and not the prior versions of it...
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