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Everything posted by thementallydeceased

  1. you would need to reset it using https://account.live.com/resetpassword.aspx . otherwise another way would be to make a recovery disk by downloading the windows 10 media creation tool, copy the contents to a flash drive, boot from the flash drive, go to repair options, go to command prompt, then type: copy c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe c:\ (or whatever the windows directory is) then type: copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe reboot pc hit shift key 6 times to bring up cmd window type in: net user Administrator \active:yes reboot pc administrator account will be active you can now log on to create new user profiles or changed passwords. keep in mind this would be to create a local account not to log in using your microsoft email.
  2. 384 games as of now, i have been a member for 6 years and am steam level 85
  3. I am unable to download any of these files would love to get my y500 running on dual band wifi. these centrino cards are horrible.
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