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Everything posted by blaine_sieck

  1. Okay so I'll buy the Dell power supply and then for the barrel plug and screw terminal stuff, do I need to buy additional parts? Could you link them if I do need any? Sorry, I see all the links in the forum post but I don't know what ones I need, I'm super confused.
  2. Sorry for my lack of knowledge in this area but could i possibly buy a power supply (I don't care how big it is) that goes directly to 12v DC that is powerful enough to power a GTX 960 4GB SC? I just really don't want to have to solder or tinker with electrical things because quite honestly it frightens me and I'd probably fry my card or burn my house down. Basically, what is the simplest option that almost anyone could do that doesn't require electrical skills? Any help would be tremendously appreciated!
  3. I am very new to this stuff but I really want an external GPU for my macbook pro. I am decided on the Akitio Thunder 2 box and the GTX 960 4GB SC (the small one that will fit in the case) and I am just confused about the power supply and other items I might need. Could someone please link me a good power supply to use and any other parts I may need in addition to the power supply. That would be greatly appreciated
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