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About RobRauff

  • Birthday 05/26/1994

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  1. I just installed an update to El Capitan, but do you know of the thread in which you install the seed on your mac. I want to know if I have any problems with my kernael. I am still running windows 8, is there any problems with windows 8 all of the sudden?
  2. For programming the kernel, I keep getting an error message when booting up my computer. Which thread should I go to ask about this. Error reads as follows: GNU GRUB version 2.02~beta2 Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists possible device or file completions grub> ***So I am assuming that this is just an error in code. But I would like to know who to ask or which thread to follow for the answer thank you.
  3. No worries, thank you for the correct splitter. I will let you know how the process goes from here thank you!
  4. Dschijn, So I got all my supplies together today and I noticed that the splitter and the power cable that comes off the fans are two different sizes, the fan I bought is the NF-A9x14 I linked previously, is there a fix to this problem like an adapter, or did I get the wrong fans. Side note: the splitter you linked fits perfectly on the graphics card so now I just need the fans to plug it into. Thank you.
  5. Dschjin, I have finished my eGPU and have been playing games flawlessly on them. I want to follow the same exact build you have minus a few electrical things but I am just wondering on the fans for the side of the case. I am just wondering which of these fans will work, if I order two of them, http://www.amazon.com/Noctua-Ultra-Silent-140mm-NF-P14/dp/B002XISTXM http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835608031 and if they do work, if this wire would work as well to connect them to the graphics card. http://www.moddiy.com/products/4%252dPin-PWM-Fan-Connector-(Male)-to-4%252dPin-Mini-GPU-Fan-Connector-(Female).html http://www.amazon.com/OKGEAR-n-a-140mm-Chrome/dp/B0012UWHYY/ref=pd_sim_147_5?ie=UTF8&dpID=41EneBlsqDL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_&refRID=1A1BT0MG96HJTE4E9X2W I want to make cuts on the case, but I want to make sure I have all the parts I need. Please let me know if you have any advice. Thank you.
  6. What did you use to cut the metal? I do not think I will need to replace my GPU fans, but I will see when I hook it all up. I am also having some trouble finding some 90-degree 6 pin PCIe cables in the US.
  7. So the front fan case from the Akitio? And will that be enough ventiliation. Yes, I plan on making that barrell plug. So should I have to remove anything from the actual Akitio case, because on your guide it says you are using a riser and different things that I know I am not using(since you used an actual desktop case to house all your equipment.)
  8. So that would mean I would need an external? I was reading through your guide that you just linked(amazing build BTW) and I was just wondering I know I will need some 90-degree 6 pin PCIe cables, but as long as I remove the fan case from the Zotac GTX 970 and I have the DA-2(with a 2014 macbook pro) everything should fit into the Akitio thunder right?
  9. I know that Dschijn's guide was saying it depends on the card, but since the DA-2 is unique it has been getting great feedback from GTX 970 users, so long as you hook it up correctly.
  10. Read through the last few pages. I just asked for all of that info. I am bulding my eGPU this wednesday. I will post results and probably make a youtube video.
  11. Would the 970 be the only reason I would need to get 90-degree 6 pins? I will probably just return my 960 and upgrade to a 970.
  12. Do you think that upgrading to the 970 will make that much of a difference? Is it worth it from the 960?
  13. So if I am thinking of using the Zotac GTX 970 (without fan shroud) is there anything else I would need besides another splitter? Would I need to modify my DA-2? Zotac GTX 970
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