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Everything posted by DigitalSpud

  1. Hello everyone, I hope this question hasn't been asked before but I couldn't find anything on it. I have a PE4C V2.1 adapter with the hdmi --> mpcie connector. I have another laptop with an expresscard connector that I want to use it with, but I would need to get a hdmi --> expresscard cable. The cost of the hwtools hdmi --> expresscard cable would be $40. There is a EXP GDC version of the same cable, but i don't know if the wiring would be the same. Has anybody ever tried using the EXP cables with a PE4C? Here is the cable that I hope might work: http://www.banggood.com/EXP-GDC-Expresscard-Signal-Line-Compatible-Type-3454-Interface-p-968883.html and this is the adapter I currently have: http://www.hwtools.net/Adapter/PE4C%20V2.1.html Thanks!
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