Hello everyone, I made a tutorial for those who want to unlock raid 0/stripping on the Latitude E6430.
This is my first post and i use Google trad because i'm french.
This is at your own risk.
I used the bios version "a16":
01 - You need to download "bootx64.efi" here "http://brains.by/posts/bootx64.7z" to change the setting that blocks raid0 in the bios.
02 - Extract "bootx64.efi" on a fat32 formated usb key in "EFI\Boot\" .
03 - Now, set the bios boot option in UEFI mode, enable Legacy Boot, disable Secure Boot, save and reboot.
04 - Plug your usb key on the notebook.
During the boot press "f12" to boot menu to choose the key in "UEFI mode".
05 - If all goes well, you should have boot on the key and be on "Grub".
06 - In the command line type first:
"setup_var 0x12D" and you should get "0x0" as answer. This means that setting is disabled.
If you get an another responce, cancel everything.
07 - After for enable this setting type:
"setup_var 0x12D 0x1" and normally the setting is enabled.
08 - At last type:
"setup_var 0x12D" in command line, validate and reboot to bios config.
09 - Set data transfer to "RAID Mode", apply and reboot.
10 - During boot press "Ctrl+i" to boot in Intel Rapid Storage.
Normally, we can now create a RAID0 array...
Here, an little benchmark of my two PM830.