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About Draulon

  • Birthday 03/10/1990

Draulon's Achievements

Curious Beginner

Curious Beginner (1/7)



  1. Hey guess who is back guys :3 After consulting with nando, I managed to make my eGPU show up in setup 1.x. Of course since I have 8 gigs of ram, i got a error 12, which I quickly fixed by editing my DSDT and making a large memory option. Now i have something called Error 10. (code 10: device cannot launch). After some googling, I deduced that the problem is with the drivers. After following the main guide, I uninstalled all AMD drivers, booted into Setup 1.x, Set my PCI ports speed to Gen2, Ran a PCI compaction with the large memory on the eGPU, and chainloded to windows 7. The problem is that the computer crashes right after this, Either it freezes at the "Launching windows in 4.. seconds", or gets a black screen before the windows logo animation. Any suggestions?
  2. Alright guys. Even with help from angerthosenear - we couldn't find a solution. My laptop absolutely wont detect the PE4l and its infuriating now. Final resort suggestions? Im thinking about sending the PE4L back.
  3. Didn't update by BIOS yet, and Setup 1.x doesn't detect it either, which is the root of the problem
  4. Nope, and this is my problem. It doesnt detect it even though i tried almost everything.
  5. I tried to take a picture of everything possible. First of all, here are my system specifications: http://puu.sh/7XZe7.png And here is my setup. 1. This is my power adapter, an AC 230V: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40343524/Photo%2006-04-14%2011%2015%2056.jpg 2. My power adapter is connected to the swex with a 24 pin, as seen here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40343524/Photo%2006-04-14%2011%2016%2006.jpg 3. This is my r7 260x in a powered state and connected to the laptop and the PE4L, the fans are running: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40343524/Photo%2006-04-14%2011%2016%2019.jpg 4. These are the lights which are on when the PE4L and GPU are connected to the laptop, The Yellow and Orange one, (A red light shows up when the PE4L ISNT connected to the computer, but goes away once I connect it): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40343524/Photo%2006-04-14%2011%2016%2027.jpg 5. The PE4L is connected to the power adapted by a 4 pin as seen here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40343524/Photo%2006-04-14%2011%2016%2046.jpg 6. This is the mini HDMI i believe which connects the PCI-E port and the PE4L: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40343524/Photo%2006-04-14%2011%2017%2000.jpg 7. Same as above but closer, in case its hard to see on the previous picture: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40343524/Photo%2006-04-14%2011%2017%2006.jpg 8. Yet again the same as above, but with the original wifi card installed: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40343524/Photo%2006-04-14%2011%2021%2029.jpg 9. A picture of the PE4L itsself in case someone is interested: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40343524/Photo%2006-04-14%2011%2022%2035.jpg Here are the properties of the Wifi Card when installed, which PCI port it uses, ect: http://puu.sh/7XZCU.png Im really grateful for your help, and bigup on the Elfen Lied profile pic.
  6. I tried every possible thing o.o Setup 1.x, Hot plugging, anti whitelisting the PCI, messing around with the delay, Im about to give up Im really fustrated cause i spent a lot on this setup.
  7. Hey Guys! I registered on these forums hoping to find a solution on why this setup doesn't work on my laptop. The laptop I am using is a Dell Inspiron 15R N5110 (Augmented into i7 cpu and 8 gigs RAM, and i have an Intel HD 3000) More details of the laptop can be founds here: Inspiron 15R Laptop Details | Dell The GPU I am trying to get to work is a AMD Radeon R7 260X, details found here: AMD Radeon R7 260X Review & Rating | PCMag.com The Adapter im using is the PE4L - EC060A V2.1b, as seen on this picture: http://www.hwtools.net/jpg/PE4L-EC060A%20V2.1b.jpg Now here is the problem: I set up everything, I have a power adapter to power the PE4L and the GPU. I dont have an expresscard slot, so i am using my internal PCI-E slot, which actually belongs to a wifi card, which i took out and replaced with an USB WLAN adapter, so I wont have to worry about not being able to access the internet. I plugged the PE4L into the freed PCI-E dock, set up mostly everything as shown in all tutorials and guides seen here. Still, no matter what i do, what i try, what sort of trick i find searching google for a solution, my laptop just doesnt even detect the GPU. (Im using Setup 1.x, doesn't work with that either). I am pretty sure the problem is software-sided, someone please help me!
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