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About zwang

  • Birthday 09/21/1988

zwang's Achievements

Curious Beginner

Curious Beginner (1/7)



  1. Hello, So i reflashed my bios with premamoded bios and i reinstalled my intel graphic gpu (HD graphics 4600). Then i install amd graphic card (R9 M290X) and windows7 recognize it like a HD8970M. The bios well detect M290x. It's better than before because now i can use the hd 8970. I will try to install windows 8 to see what's happend. To follow... Thanks for your advices.
  2. Hello I try stock bios or premamoded bios no one work. The computer boot and bios well detects hardware but windows dont see the graphic card: I try to reinstall windows 7 or 8 but i cant finish installation. It's like if the original xmg bios was not standard they custom their own bios and it cant work with another. Have you already succefully flash a xmg p503 ? I dont know what to try else. I contact them but they have not answered yet . Thanks Zwang
  3. Hello, I flash my bios and ec with P15xSM BIOS 304 EC 301 My bios well detect my M290X but under windows i got nothing and i have also a problem with my dvddrive. Do you think it's an option to unchek in bios? It's that possible that the bios is not fully compatible ? Thank for your time. Zwang
  4. Hello, i dont know if i am in the good topic. Sorry if i dont I recently bought a new laptop it's a XMG P503. After i install the system i flashed the bios and the firmware with the updates avaible on the mysn.de site. Then now my Graphic card (AMD Radeon R9 M290X 4096MB GDDR5) is detected in the bios as ATI HD8970M. Under windows it dont work and the integrated intel gpu is not recognize too i only have installed a basic standard vga card. How do you think i can fix this? Should i flash the bios or the firmware or both. Could i use one of your moded bios without risk? Here is the versions of the bios i tried from xmg site: P503_BIOS_1.03.01.zip XMG-P503_BIOS_1.03.01.zip P503_EC_1.03.01TR.zip > my current bios. Others infos: Mb series: P15SM Bios version: 1.03.01 KBC/EC Firmware Revision: 1.03.01 TR Thanks Zwang
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