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About draiken

  • Birthday 04/05/1977

draiken's Achievements

Curious Beginner

Curious Beginner (1/7)



  1. Thanks, Actually I'm waiting for some new thermal pads to arrive and will be changing them and doing a re-paste... it appears I botched it the first time... temps seem stable enough so I can wait.
  2. Nop its an i7-720QM. I'm seriously considering doing a re-paste of both graphic cards and CPU tomorrow. I took some pictures of the temps after playing Mass Effect 3 for a while, but left them at home... one of the GPUs stays in the 50s-60s range, while the other shoots up to 85C. I believe I did not apply enough paste on the second GPU, and also my CPU temps compared to other posts on the forum seem still a bit high.
  3. Hi, finally got some pictures from the temps, I still think my CPU temps are a bit high... This pictures were taken just after Boot (IDLE_A) and the others after having the laptop on for about an hour or two, just watching avi's on the TV via HDMI. Please let me know what you think, and if I need to re-do the re-pasting of my CPU. Keep in mind I do not have a Laptop cooler.
  4. I downloaded Trixx yesterday, and has the option to disable ULPS, fans are slower across the board (while watching videos... no time for gaming yet), and temps stay the same: High 60s for CPU, high 40s and low 50s for GPU (all °C), will post pictures tomorrow I promise. Thanks, I've been on NBR for a few years, but most of the guides that were posted there, are now only here... and I find the M17x R2 users here more helpful. Thank you guys
  5. - Man, I'm not familiar with OC tools, can you provide a link for trixx? - unreal, I was reffering to the GPU clocks, not the temps, my cards allways run different by a few degrees... even after re-pasting. - Yes double checked also tried the 32-bit version and it gave me the same results. Also if I do not open GPU-Z before launching HWInfo the monitors on the second GPU do not show... and GPU-Z states stock clocks for both my cards 700Mhz for GPU and 1000Mhz for Memory... strange indeed, could this be driver related? I'm running AMDs 12.4
  6. Awesome, I just got some Arctic Silver 5 (not many options to choose from where I live) and will be performing this mod today or tomorrow... I have one issue, I'm using HWInfo 3.95-1600 (latest) and it will not show the sensors and temps of my GPU #1, it just shows GPU #0, Is there a setting I need to change? Added after 5 minutes: Please delete my previous Post, just as I clicked "Post" the info appeared on the sensor window. I'm attaching it. I have one question: Why are the clocks for GPU and Memory so different between GPU 0 and GPU 1?
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