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About fommof

  • Birthday 11/16/1974

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  1. I only use Win7. That's something i run into at the beginning of my bios "exploration", trying several bioses with different subvendors. I use either the stock or your V2 SC version for the last 3 months or so (although i'll move on to another titan bios which i like)...
  2. OMG, just realized it's been a month... Still waiting for the V3 SC version, it's not only because of the higher default freq, it's the subvendor as well, i do a lot of testing/comparisons between stock and svl7's bios (obviously svl7's wins as the freq goes higher) and i hate to have to reinstall the drivers every time i go back and forth (i own an EVGA SC). Gimme, gimme, gimme!!!
  3. Hey svl7 , any news on the SC V3 edition? (oh yeah, i am ready for it!!!) Thanks in advance!
  4. Thanks svl7 ! I'll wait for the version which is based on the SC. Once is out i will try it to death, i'd love to fine tune the Titan to run as cool and as silent possible when running games that are not demanding at all.
  5. The figures you posted are theoretical. You think in practice that 8 and 6 pin can't provide any more juice? What limits them? The 6/8pin wires themselves? Think about it... Unfortunately i am not able to measure the consumption of the vga alone, i can only measure the the consumption of the whole system and find the relative difference. Not an accurate methodology, works way better for the cpu alone,. Still if you think backwards and take for granted that the absolute limit is the 300W (which i disagree with unless there is a hardware limiter at 300W in the card itself, which again if there is i haven't hit it) then something is very wrong about the TDP readings. If you think that's the case then do the following experiment: 1)Flash your card with the stock bios 2)Set the power to 106% (265W), run an app that does NOT power throttle the card (you might want to set the gpu offset to -100), run it until your gpu temperature is stabilized then check the max TDP reading (lets say that is 95% which translates to 240W) 3)Flash your card with the TI bios 4)Leave the power to 100% (350W), run the same app until your gpu temperature is stabilized then check the max TDP reading. 5)If the actual max reported TDPs are close and both BELOW 265W then chances are the readings are fine. If for instance you got 69% max TDP with the TI bios then that translates to 241.5W which agrees with the reading you got with the stock bios, it's almost dead on so readings look fine. Now If for instance TI bios reports 80% which translates to 280W then you can't trust the readings. My personal experience is that the readings are close (EDIT: except on idle, with the stock bios 2 out of my three Titans were reporting idle power which doesn't make any sense and this i can easily check with a wattometer and compare my system idle with and without the card by using the igpu), but you can try and find it out yourself if you like.
  6. @svl7 Remember this? Well, received the replacement of the replacement of my original Titan (lol, long story short, the #3 Titan). Using your bios (SC V2) this one starts at 1.175V no matter what (and 928Mhz gpu freq as usual). The default max boost and voltage for this card with the stock bios is 1019Mhz at 1.15V. I still don't get it...is the starting/base voltage of your bios independent from the quality of each GPU itself (i.e always 1.137V no matter what) or does each individual GPU dictates the starting/lowest voltage depending on the quality of the chip?
  7. @rage fuury Hey...the prob was not the fact that it was boosting lower than my first one and with higher voltage, that was expected since every chip is different. The issue was that using svl7's SC bios i was not able to set card at 1.137V like with my first one which is odd since it's like the card didn't "honor" the bios...strange but it's already RMA'd anyway, i am getting the (2nd) replacement today... I have seen peak reported TDP at 96% (1163Mhz, 1.1212V, +250 mem, #1 Titan) using the TI bios running Sleeping Dogs loops. The 96% in TI bios translates to 336W peak. I have also seen peek reported TDP at 98% running 3dMark13 Firestrike 1st test loops (don't have the gpu/mem/voltage figures handy at the moment, #2 Titan for sure) which translates to a whooping 343W peak. While i can never be sure because of the lack of precision of my measurements, my killowatt readings seemed to follow the increment of the power consumption/TDP. When it was hitting +340W it almost reminded me my GTX580 at 950Μhz and 1.15V (all other setup exactly the same as then) so i'd say that these figures are not very far from reality. IMHO of course and in my experience...
  8. Hmmm, i'll uninstall/clean install the driver for starters just to see what happens... Like i wrote, not a real prob, just a little bit strange that the card doesn't "honor" the bios settings...
  9. Got my SC Titan replacement on Monday (RMAd for clicking/ticking fan noise) and noticed something interesting... My "original" SC boosted at 1058Mhz using 1.15V, the replacement boosts at 1045Mhz at 1.162V. Nothing strange so far, different cards boost at different freqs and voltages. The strange thing is that with my "original" Titan and the TI bios i had full voltage control all the way from 1.137V (default value at 928Mhz) to 1.212V. With the replacement card and the same bios i can't set the voltage at anything less than 1.162V and 1.162V is the default value for the same 928Mhz. Still i can set it anywhere from 1.162V to 1.212V. Strange though, i thought the 1.137V was kind of "universal" base voltage in this bios...i uninstalled/installed the Precision... I don't remember uninstalling/installing the drivers though but i can't see how this would fix it since i was going back and forth from the stock bios to TI in my first Titan without having reinstall the drivers. I just missed running the card at 928Mhz and 1.137V in not demanding games (like F1 2012 maxed) and keep the card cool and quiet. The Auto-fan in version 2 works great guys...
  10. I have spent hours and hours testing, benching, gaming at every possible freq/voltage/fan combination using this bios, i have kept tons of AB/Precision charts/graphs and i have never experienced any kind of throttling with this or any other high-TDP modded bios. The only throttling you should ever get (with this or any other modded bios) is because of the low temp target/high temps if you forget to increase your fan rpms and/or forget to increase the temp target (which by default is 80C). Apart from that which is 101% normal you should not get any throttling. For instance I spent about 2 hours yesterday playing Metro 2033 (every setting at max), 1 hour Farcry 3 (every setting at max, including MSAAx8) and half an hour Crysis 3 (every setting at max except AA which was SMAAx4) at 1150Mhz/1.175V. Power target to 100% (=350W), temp target 90C. Even with temps around 81-84C - as expected - i didn't get a single step of throttling (kept the Precision graphs) and i am mentioning this because i have read all over the net that we should keep the Titans below 80C no matter what the temp target is. I doubt it, has never happened to my card anyway. Just my 2 cents...
  11. Thanks again Brian, you are right. Testing the new drivers as we speak, they are fine (Farcry 3, Metro LL etc). Yeah, the new Precision is what i use right now, still can't store the voltage per profile but no problem, i can set it manually in 3 seconds. Just for the record, AB beta 10 still can't change the voltage in TI bios, i am mentioning it just in case somebody think that the new version works.
  12. Thank you Brian, no reason for me NOT using the TI bios then!!! Another question, anybody tried the new official Nvidia drivers with the TI bios's? Also the Afterburner 3.0.0 beta 10 is out (new Precision too but i prefer AB's interface for some reason), anybody has tried it with the TI bios? Thanks!
  13. I don't think that's possible, 13Mhz steps are predefined.But i spent some time to "map" the frequency/steps so i don't have to guess every time, this is for the SC TI version so here goes, might be useful for someone: gpu offset actual gpu freq +0 928Mhz +13 941Mhz +26 954Mhz +39 967Mhz +52 980Mhz +65 993Mhz +78 1006Mhz +92 1019Mhz +105 1032Mhz +118 1045Mhz +131 1058Mhz +144 1071Mhz +157 1084Mhz +170 1097Mhz +183 1110Mhz +196 1124Mhz +209 1137Mhz +222 1150Mhz +235 1163Mhz +248 1176Mhz +261 1189Mhz +274 1202Mhz +287 1215Mhz (didn't care for any higher frequency that's why my list stops at 1215Mhz)Also these are all the voltage steps available in the TI SC version 1.137V 1.150V 1.162V 1.175V 1.187V 1.200V 1.212V
  14. Yeap, tested the 2nd (latest) version of the SC TI bios, the auto-fan works fine now, nice one svl7... EDIT: silly question but i just have to...is there any way for a company/dealer to find out what bios is installed in a card if the card is "dead"? (meaning the card doesn't post, no signal, doesn't get recognized by any system in any PCI-E slot and so forth). Just trying to "calculate" the future risk for an 1K card just in case something goes wrong (yes, i hate Murphy's law, lol)
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