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As per @coolane's request, I figured I'd make a separate thread for this modification. In the original thread ( coolane shows their heatsink modifications and results which I think were ingenious. Initially I didn't think it was possible to use the 980DT heatsink with the MSI 1070 without modification, though with coolane's post showed potential and I figured I may as well give it a try since there's no chance in hell or any other place that I would be able to do a 1070 SLI configuration. Thanks to coolane, they provided further detail into their mod and it was very straightforward enough for me to warrant an attempt. So, I ordered: 10pcs of 8.8mm x 8.8mm heatsinks 1 sheet of thermal transfer tape 400 - 3000 grit sandpaper and I am waiting for those parts to arrive to my location before I begin and I post when they do. EDIT: I may do some minor changes to their attempt like not adding additional heatsink pipes since i have no idea on how to even attach them so this will be a basic modification. EDIT2: Original content EDIT 3: I learned from @J95 and @Prema that the vbios mod used by coolane was stolen from Prema by some crappy Chinese hacker so this thread is specifically for the modding of the heatsink itself. EDIT 4: I ended up getting the following to complete the mod so far. 1. Stanley hacksaw - $10AUD 2. Sandpaper 80 grit and 180 grit emery (for soft metals like copper), 400 grit W&D, 800 grit W&D, and 1200 grit W&D - $10AUD approx (though i spent more ordering more from Amazon which won't be used now but good to have :p) 3. Protective gloves - $12AUD EDIT 5: Ordered some thermal adhesive to glue a bit of copper plate to cover the power phase chip. Sure, a mini-heatsink might do the job though it might be better if it was going through the heatpipes.