Thanks to Joedirt recently for setting me up with a custom vBIOS for my ASUS ROG G750JM. I am having a little trouble figuring out how to adjust my voltage. Once the vBIOS is flashed the voltage is baked in so the slider does nothing. Joedirt took care of me plenty so I dont want to go hounding him for this advice and would rather ask the community. I can get the voltage to run at 0.987v or 1.193v one is not enough and the other is too much even with no OC it gets the GPU too hot too fast I would like to learn how to adjust the Voltage Table so that I can get 1.06-1.1v on my chip so I can OC and still not over heat. The stock vBIOS set it at 1.034v which I could OC my Memory +450mhz and my core +135mhz no problem. I would like to run at +280mhz or 1300mhz core and +395mhz Memory or 1450mhz Memory but that is not stable at 0.987v and gets to the 92c temp limit super fast with 1.193v. . .